
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 15:14:52
英语,请问高手这几个句子该怎么合并将下面几个句子合并成一个句子,by using a compound subject,a compound predicate ,or a compoundsentence. Make any changes in wording where necessary.A.Charles Schenck was arrested for distri 一道英语题,合并句子An old man is walking in the park,while a bird is standing on his shoulder.合并成:An old man is in the park____a bird ________on his shoulder. 英语合并句怎么合并There are many people to come .We have to find a bigger room .(合并成一句)=》There are______ many people to come ______we have to find a bigger room. She gets up at 6:30everymorning.改为复数形式 She gets up at seven [when]那个 at seven 的下面+一横 must能与will连用吗?must用在将来时中还需要will吗 will may must 有单三结构吗 you will be must not drink here,这句话对吗i heard she got married,此处为什么要用married,为什么不是i heard she had got marry,why is the above sentence not right? will 后面可以加must 谁有记英语语法的小窍门?我喜欢学英语,就是记语法得多记几遍,有没有窍门呀? “Hello,everyone.my name is jim." Hello, everyone. My name is Chen Xiaoli...完形填空Hello, everyone. My name is Chen Xiaoli. My (41) name is Chen, and my given name is Xiaoli. My parents gave me this name because I was (42) in the early (43) .Xiaoli in Chinese Hello everyone.My name is Happier1.I come from Guangxi. Hello everyone!My name is 急 请帮我修改这段自我介绍:Hello everyone.My name is XXX.I'm 17 years old and I come fromXXX.I'm at grade 11 now.Well,I don't like sports very much,so I always atsy at home reading,listening to music or go for a movie in my spare time.I like 分析下面句子短语的句法成分 (层次分析法) 1.已经吃完饭了 2.终于想明白了分析下面句子短语的句法成分 (层次分析法) 1.已经吃完饭了 2.终于想明白了 3.总共有五十只小鸡 4.差不多这 句法成分和句子成分的区别是什么?请简单明了的说明,并举例子~ 在“是起码的”这个句子中,“起码”一词做了什么句法成分? This shirt is very cheap.i will ------ it.忘了打上选项了A.bring B.take C.want D.believe 有没有学现代汉语的童鞋啊,能不能给我讲讲句法成分分析和复杂短语啊.基本的我还是会的不要跟我讲理论,.理论和实践是两回事,理论我也会,但是有时候遇到复杂的,奇怪的我就糊涂了.比如 This shirt is very nice改成否定句 Hello!My name is dingdong.I am a little()Drop.I like flying in the().One day,my friends and I are()in the sky.Suddenly we()down from the sky.Then we()in the sea.The sun(),we()hot and()uo higher and higher.Then we can play in the sky again.选项:wa Hello,My Name Is 歌词 求ERA的looking for something歌词,附带中文更好!RT 有一首英文歌,歌词里有everybody right now every body look now.请问是什么歌,不是everybody dance now之后还有lalalalala.是男的唱的!. I usually get up at ___ seven o'clock,___填什么 英文歌,第一句everybody looking at me.一个女的用很性感的声音唱的请问歌名是 什么歌的歌词里有 everybody looking me me.歌名是M开头的 求电影名.I will be the first man to kiss you.这段对话是Tom Hiddleston的哪一部电影里的I will be the first man to kiss you,to bed you.Whether you come willing or not,you will be mine and mine alone.Do you understand...这是偶尔找 大家来分析一下这句话中介词短语作什么成分It is difficult to the point of impossibility for the average reader under the age of forty to image a time when high-quality arts criticism could be found in most big-city newspapers.其中 帮我一下翻译请问这是什么意思呀and the man will try to be happy ,for every oneand the man will try to be happy ,for every one 谢谢你们 短语中的词有担当成分吗?比如all over the word