
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 16:56:31
need your help改错,下面各题均有一处错误,改正错误.The whole of us went to the Summer Palace last Sunday.I want to find this hotel,but after ten minutes' walk,there was still not sign of it. 英语翻译 新手 need your help同志们 我刚如股市 新手 我想问你们个问题假如我是一个上市公司 就像创业板 我在创业板上市了 我现在有500万 再需要融资500万 公司变可盈利 可我1千万的企业只有1千万可 things,you,what,do,school,need连词成句 英语翻译 英语翻译Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy,it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are,the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae.The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll ra 跪求俞敏洪托福词汇串讲MP3及文本 我的邮箱liujiahua765@sina.com 非常感谢! 1.The beautiful village l___ at the bottom of a mountain.2.It is not polite to s___at others. My sister,can you hear?This is a good boy for you. The CN Tower is the ___tower in the world A.taller B.tall C.tallest He is the second __ man in his company.A.tall B.taller C.tallest D.most tall 暮去朝来淘不住,遂令东海变桑田是什么意思 名人的勤能补拙的事例(100-150字左右) 过五关斩六将的主要内容 定语从句中先行词作表语必须用that吗?如题.还有人说指物的时候不必,也可以用which指人的时候必须用that到底是怎样...还有as引导定语从句的情况,谢谢 How tall was Robrt Pershing Wadlow?答句 i asked he to give the book to Helen.错在哪? 三角形ABC是等腰三角形,分别向三角形ABC外作等边三角形ABD和等边三角形ACE,若角DAE=角DBC,求三角形ABC三个内角的度数.并且写出过程.图形描述:三角形ABC是等腰三角形。这个三角形的腰AB,AC边 初二下数学的关于负整数指数幂的应用的几个问题1、一根约为1米长、直径为80毫米的光钎预制棒,可拉成至少400公里的光纤.试问:1平方厘米是这种光纤的横截面积的多少倍?2、已知函数y=(2x-1 how tall are you ?有一道选择题:_____are you ? _ I'm 1.8 metres tall. A.How TAB. How long C. How ma有一道选择题:_____are you ? _ I'm 1.8 metres tall. A.How B. How long C. How many D. how tall 这道题怎么也该选D.可是答案 1.70 metres tall忘了1.70该怎么念 I ______ but I didn't________ anything.A.listened ,listen to B.heard ,listen toC.listened,hear D.listened to ,hear 是he was listened last sundy对还是he did listen last sunday对呢?为什么呢 ________(laugh)at others is not polite. get married get marry 怎么翻译? 第四小题.The kite is in the tree.We need a l____ t第四小题.The kite is in the tree.We need a l____ to get it The kite is in the thee.We need a l_____ to get it. 看图回答问题.1.Where is Jim?2.Is Jim's kite in front of the tree?3.What are in the tree?4.Where is Jane 5.Is Jane's father sitting in the chair? 3年级下册语文书的课文——书痴是什么意思 It is not polite to stare at others. 我读过一些周易 易经 哲学类的书 还有成功学的书,发觉我自己特别聪明,变成两个人了.现在我要找女朋友,似乎要把思维简单点,这样方便交流,你们说怎么办? 30秒到40秒的英语幽默小故事!