
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 07:40:40
we wsh you a merry christmas是什么意思 Don't be late for school (再),Miss Li said to Jack. 这幅图蕴含着两句话,其中一句是 WE WSH YOU MERRY CHRISTMAS那么另外一句是这幅图蕴含着两句话,其中一句是 WE WSH YOU MERRY CHRISTMAS那么另外一句是什么? 田园乐诗中的山客是怎样的心境,请简要分析 田园乐里的"莺啼山客犹眠"的意思是什么?老师说山客指的是作者,可我怎样也想不通,如果是作者,那他既然还在睡觉,怎能知道花落家童未扫呢? wwf2001 big show rock kane这场比赛的真正意义是什么?老是看到比赛的后台的选手们很关注尤其是那个女的到底为什么?请教一下!那后台的那个女的是怎么回事啊 她怎么那么激动 不单单会是这么 阅读理解Long long ago ,a king had a big rockLong,long ago,a king had a big rock placed in the middle of a very busy road.Then he hid nearby to see if anyone would move the rock out of the way to make it convenient for others.Some of the king’s 如图,AD∥BC,∠ADC的角平分线交AB于点M,且M是AB的中点.问:△MDC是否是直角三角形 (请写出过程 ) 已知三角形ABC和三角形ADE都是等腰直角三角形,其中∠ ABC= ∠ ADE= 90度,点M为EC的中点,1)当点D,E分别在AC,AB上时,求证:三角形BMD为等腰直角三角形;2)将三角形ADE绕点A逆时针旋转45度,使点D落 how many在宾语从句的用法he asked how many children were there in the class?he asked how many children there were in the class?请问哪句对呢?为什么?我记得是how many在宾语从句中是不用变成陈述句.那can you tell me how m 若x,y是等腰三角形的两条边,且满足4x^2+10y^2-12xy-4y+4=0,求△ABC的周长 "HOW MANY"在宾语从句中的用法宾语从句中how,when,where等等的用法我都知道,动词要后置.可是HOW MANY好象是个特例?(比如说He asked what was the matter.)HOW MANY 所在的宾语从句也是特例吗?因为我在哪里好 为什么上数学课看着黑板或老师想睡觉? 古诗《田园乐》怎么写(包括作者) 古诗的意境(田园乐)田园乐 王维 桃红复含宿雨,柳绿更带朝烟.花落家童未扫,莺啼山客犹眠.虾米意境? Which would you like for bread?white or whole wheat麻烦把句子分析一下 which和for 又是咋回事 He bought two loaves of bread.是对的吗 She reached the top of the hill and stopped ___on a big rock by the side of the path.A. to have restedB. restingC. to restD. rest应该选哪个? ____and out of breath,we reached the top of the mountain and stopped to admire the beautiful sceneyA Tiring B Tired 请问选哪个 She reached the __________ of the 100m hurdlesRT 求答案 A.line B.flag C.wood D.final 求各国古名... 作文 来高中的目的 古代世界各国都有什么酷刑? 古代世界各国人口分布 what's made Jason so upset?A.Lose B.To lose C.Because of losing D.Losing我觉得选D,可书上答案却是A~我郁闷请问2楼的大哥,这里是动词好不好 she is very l ,and she do not want to do anything 填空 代词练习题:Sam is looking_____in the mirror.横线上填什么? Sam is look same as me.Sam长得和我一样,能这样说吧? 小学奥数(0-8这9个数字,每个数字刚好用一次,组成3个三位数,使得其中有2的倍数,3的倍数,4的倍数0-8这9个数字,每个数字刚好用一次,组成3个三位数,使得其中有2的倍数,3的倍数,4的倍数,.16的倍 He is behind me 同义句I____ ______ _____ _____ 寻隐者不遇改成故事500字 Look!The boy is so s_____that he can hardly openhis eyes.