
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 19:56:14
名词做状语可以表示哪些意义?,不是英语》 Who is a human rights activist that you know of in China or in Asia in general? we know from our textbooks that cormorant fishing is a traditional chinese skill that might d__inthe near the future 求全文首字母答案! furniture是不是可数名词在什么情况下可数.在什么情况下不可数?能不能说的清楚些? 英语中的家具(furniture)可数吗? the story is interesting.it's--worth--well...reading还是very...reading.为什么 make change most of the student in our class ﹙ ﹚after school to keep healthyA.exercises B.exercising C.exercise D.to rxrecise The novel I bought last week is worth ____ ,I think./ t+ H0 l6 w( K9 q* XThe novel I bought last week is worth ____ ,I think.A.reading B.being read C.to read D.to be read 为什么 选A 杠杆平衡条件是什么 How did you find the novel you bought last week?Couldn't be ___ .It's boringHow did you find the novel you bought last week?Couldn't be ___ .It's boring.A.bad B.worse C.worst D.better 杠杆的平衡条件是什么? a student should be ___ ___ (很想)learn where is the pen I bought last week? 在实验中如何调节杠杆平衡.就是左右两端都挂了钩码之后,如何调节平衡,还是用平衡螺母吗? 调节______的大小,使杠杆重新平衡 是a chemistry change 还是a chemical change chemical是化学物质还是化学反应? 请问And it is called chemical change.和And it called chemical change有什么区别? 请问And it is called chemical change.和And it called chemical change有什么区别? 新概念英语单词循环速记手抄本2,谁有mp3,可不可以发给我? what do you eat (改为过去式) 英文的what will you do tomorrow的过去式 为什么是What were you doing,是过去式为什么要用doing,不是what were you do 在研究杠杆平衡条件时,为什么在实验前要把杠杆调成水平平衡? What did you do on National Day?的过去式答语三个 如何调节物理杠杆水平平衡、右高左低怎么调?为什么? stop过去时 新概念英语单词九宫格超级速记(第1册) cost pay spend take有什么区别?如何使用?请详细说明并附例句, 关于词汇spend,cost,pay,take的例句及辨析? 英语翻译BackgroundServices research has evolved in terms of its focus on particular lines of service industry.Earlytreatises such as Greenfield (1966) and Fuchs (1968) were focused as much on the functionaldefinition of what had been previously b