
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 15:23:14
Mr Smith,a young man,works for a computer c____.He is an e____.He has a beautiful gir friend.Oneday his girl friend tells him that the next day will be her 24th b____.Mr Smith wants to give a p____to her to show his l____.And then,the next m____Mr Sm 我们的教育为什么没有培养出诺贝尔奖获得者 求一500字小论文论 论基督教对欧洲文化的影响如题··谢谢···· he is a man of great experience,_____much can be learned.这里可以填from which,那么定语从句中不是没有主语了吗?对 是 from whom 那么主语就是 much? He is a man of great knowledge ,____much can be learned A in whom B about whom C from whom D of whom 解析下 He is a man of great experience,___much can be learned.A.who B.from which C.which D.from whom讲讲原因 元宵节的含义会让于今年 he is a man of great experience,much canbe is a man of great experience,___much can be learnedA.who B.from which C.that D.from whom 全国初中数学联赛上获一等奖需多少分? 全国初中数学联赛四川省成都市决赛一等奖大概多少分 参加全国初中数学联赛,怎么样才能拿一等奖(要前几名,浙江赛区)求备考策略本人希望杯一等奖,但是名次不高.基础扎实,但思维不是特别出色.应该看些什么书? 元宵吃汤圆的寓意? 元宵节的寓意是什么?有团员的意思么? 元宵节蕴涵着什么样的意义?元宵节吃什么?这种食品有什么寓意 He is a man of great knowledge,from whom much can be learned这里的much作什么用? 暑假里,如果一天过得特别平淡,怎样写日记呢? 这种细菌的名字我从自己的消化道末端发现了许多杆菌,在光学显微镜下看到的,请问它叫什么名字? He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man ,翻译 Jane has never been to the Great Wall,____?A.hasn't sheB.does sheC.has she (1/2)请问“He who has never been to the Great Wall is not he who has never been the Great Wall is not a true man The Shutes has never been to the Great Wall,改错,说明理由, 我想要写日记(一天一篇的)应该写什么,可以比较短吗?写有意义的,不需要很长吗? 元宵的含义是什么? 感冒是由什么细菌引起的 细菌感冒发烧 吃什么药可以发烧几天都没有好,怎么办, 引起感冒的细菌分别有哪些? 急求一篇题为我们只有一个地球的短篇演讲稿? 《我们只有一个地球》哥哥姐姐十万火急帮忙呀!thank you 某一天放学之后英语怎么说?(急! 小六奥数(11)小冬、小青两人同时从甲、乙两地出发相向而行,两人在离甲地40米处第一次相遇,相遇后两人仍以原速继续行驶,并且在各自到达对方出发点后立即沿原路返回,途中两人在距乙