
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 23:55:15
过度砍伐森林会导致什么 完形填空 还有一张图是选择题 2013年人教版八年级上册语文文言文有哪些? the students must finish their homework (before monday morning).对括号内提问 1.Students__(can/must)finish their homework on time.its a rule 2.The train is leaving.I amafraid I__(can/have to)go now.3.Jessica is a good student.She__(usually/never) gets to school early 辩论:地球是人类永恒的家园吗?(正方) 一男的叫一女的狼孩是什么意思? 昂立国际教育好不好? go shopping 中的go 是个什么词是个及物动词么?是属于哪个词条呢? 辩论赛我是主辩,有关“个人命运由自己掌握”的,对于我,我应该注意什么?我这个主辩在辩论过程中应该注意什么? Every student must finish ----homework in class?A:one'sB:his C:theirD:her 我要参加辩论赛!我是二辩~怎么提问~我方观点是做大河里的小鱼,该怎么给对方提问! 我要参加辩论赛,生比死更伟大,我是二辩,我该问什么? 原始森林是什么意思 赏析\“满眼是未加采伐的原始森林……甚至说是禅的世界禅的世界\”初二阿里山纪行课文赏析句子 not until then did i find it ___to do the job that wayNot until then did I find it ______ to do the job that way.A.is easierB.easierC.was more easily D.more easilywhy not use the answer is B 狼孩是怎么回事儿? 买裤子时72(2尺16)28是什么意思 I ___(finish) the homework,I ___(call) you up.这个句子可以用由when 引导的过去进行时吗,1.When i finishes the homework,i will call you up.第一个这个句子对还是2when i finished the homework,i was calling you up.对呢, When he ___ (finish) his homework ,he will come and join us . The problem is when he can finish the homework.这句话有没语法上的错误,when等疑问词能引导表语从句 哪个高手指点一下怎么弄单片机的,小弟一菜鸟 开关电灯时收音机里会出现“喀啦”声,这是为什么? 开关灯的时候收音机里会出现“磕啦”声,这是为设么? the second tax is for the state government.for the state government是什么短语,做什么成分,手们 英语翻译the reality on the ground sway ground 我想知道这句话词组的意思不是 摇摆广场 摇摆 研磨 四处摇摆 地面晃动 这些不对 老师说是什么一闪的意思,我没记住 谁能确切的说下 谁帮我解释下面的代码,最好能每个英文都解释为中文, 我是代码的菜鸟,谁能帮我翻译,小弟感激不尽!body{.tabs{.selectTab,.unselectTab{.unselectTab{ 怎么制作最简单的无线电控制开关需要在哪里买材料? 一直等腰三角形△ABC的面积是5,高AD=根号五,求以它的底边BC和腰AC为邻边的平行四边形周长打错字了··是以知,紧急! I did't learn how to cook until I came here.对until I came here提问.答案是when didn‘t you learn how to cook?感觉不对,为什么? 任务型阅读A fox sees a crow fly off _ a piece of meat in its ……【1】A fox sees a crow (乌鸦) fly off ______ a piece of meat in its mouth,and now the crow is sitting in a tree.“That’s for me,because I am a fox,” said the Fox,and the