
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/31 15:21:24
He has always insisted on his ____Dr Turner instead of Mr Turner.A、been called B、called C、having called D、being called请给出答案及解析 He has always insisted on his being called Dr.Turner instead of Mr.Turner.求通顺翻译 He has always insisted on his being called Dr.Turner.中的his是怎么回事,动词后面不是加宾格吗insist on后面不能加宾格? what season is it?语法上是对的吗?正常的不应该是what is the season?还有what shapes are the apples? The _______(fun) looking man makes the child cry急啊 Echoes of the Rainbow哪位大哥帮我将这首歌歌词翻译成中文...一句一句地翻译哦.谢了.softly sighs the rainbow,misty songs of old,flowing by the skyline,my secret lullaby,softly sighs the rainbow,stories seldom told,flo Lucy has found her cat and now she is washing it.为什么这句话中用了现在完成时态 Lucy isn't here .she's over ( t ) 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 We had a great time in Hangwood last Sunday.(变一般疑问句) All of us had a great time in the park last Sunday.同义句.All of us ( )(All of us had a great time in the park last Sunday.同义句.All of us ( )( )in the park last Sunday. 超好听的歌!求 李治廷Echoes of the Rainbow的英文歌词 谁有Echoes Of The Rainbow 李治廷 连接地址?发百度消息给我谢谢 peer pressure makes people go after brand name producys.甚么意思我这是要靠三一口语6啊 请大家回答准确 She became the champion of 2006 Super Voice Girl and people are watching her ____.A.at a time B.for the first time C.on time D.all the time 选D为什么 _______ is difficult if you put your effort into it.A.AnythingB.SomethingC.NothingD.Everything nothing is difficult if you put your h*** into it Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it 怎么翻译? not,do ,really,school,like,you,如何连词成句 what season is it now 的意思 what season is it New Zealand?what is the weather like what are the farmers doing 证明,三个角都相等的三角形是等边三角形.eeeeee 证明:3个角都相等的三角形是等边三角形如题 哀溺文序这个题目中的“哀溺”什么意思?“哀”的原因是什么?并请简要概括本文告诉我们的道理. 哀溺文序中的哀溺是什么意思 哀溺文序,哀是什么意思? 有关传递信息的成语如:黄耳传书、寄雁传书等 与传播信息有关的成语(三个) 初三下学期第一次月考各科都考什么内容? 本人初三下册,马上月考了,新课都上完了,但这次考的是初中全部内容,历史有5本书加下册刚学的15课,化学只上了下册一半,考试内容就一本加半本了,政治也是考全部,也是初中全部,觉得更不背 怎么准备英语6级考试! 本人四级考了440分!基础不是很好应该怎么准备?我考了2011年6月份的英语四级考试!考了440多分!马上要准备2011年12月17日下午3点的6级了!我准备四级时,主要是背四级单词! 我想在两个月内达到5.之前零基础 四级水平可以吗?听力不是很好假期先报个强化班 四级成绩压线过的 麻烦大家个事.我打算下周或者明天开始学习英语四级.我现在的基础是初中水平很不错.高中开始不学外语,一直混到大学 现在大三了 想考6月的外语四级,且一定要通过 麻烦各位兄弟姐妹大叔