
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 02:48:40
呆废料用英语怎么说 畜禽养殖废水英语怎么说 She has (a -------)great success because of hard worka开头的单词 he has been in english since last 荧光灯启辉器一直亮是怎么回事?我荧光灯的开关摔坏了 今天买了个开关装上了里面有个小红灯 关上开关小红灯就一直亮 启辉器也跟着一直亮了 打开开关荧光灯亮了以后 开关上的小灯和启 灯管打开后要转动启辉器才亮,我家灯管打开开关后没反应,两头没发红,但是转动一下启辉器就可以正常亮,是灯管问题还是启辉器呢? Lily has breskfast at 6:00in the morning.(同义句)Uncle Bob sometimes has lunch at home.(对at home提问)We play football on the football field.(对on the football field提问) Jane has breakfast at 7点 in the morning对has brekfast提问 请问英语面试中怎样称呼考官? My grandfather u_____ gets up at 6:00in the morning.横线上应该填什么呢 英语面试要求我问考官几个问题,考官是美国大学的代表,问什么比较好呢 Mary ------her lessons from seven to ten last night 为什么填has been doing? Rose ____ her lessons from seven to nine last night.A.is going over B.went over C.has gone over D.was going over 怎样区分犹太人和日耳曼人? He ___ his lessons from seven to nine last night .A.did B.had gone C.was doing D.has been doing(带句子翻译, I said I would be at your house at six o'clock帮忙解释下,I said I would be at your house at six o'clock句中be的意思, I said I would be at your house at six o'clock这里be可以去掉吗?be这里有什么用?是每个句子里必须有个动词所以用be是吗 英语例句1.I said I would be at your house at six o'clock.请问这句话是什么句型? Tony said he would bring some books to my house on Tuesday night 中to my house 为什么是状语 黑莓7290 发音的汉英词典贝贝汉英词典怎么没声音啊郁闷 用英语面试时 称呼评委时用"you guys"是否有不尊敬的意思?我将参加学校的赛扶面试 用英语表达“我希望从你们身上学到些东西” 说"I want to learn someting from you guys”是否不妥?有没有别的可替 黑莓8330中英文字典国外机,弄个字典吧,听说贝贝能用,能发给我么!另外,这个是个英文机! 手机能用的可发音中英文字典诺基亚6303C型手机,有可发音的中英文字典吗?立即追加六十分!完.那还得带电脑去了. Excuse me .Could you please not take photos in the museum. ______. A.Yes,I could B.No I couldn'tC.Oh,sorryD.That's right快快!!!!He says he is coming back ____ later.A.two hours B.two o'clock C.this weekD.this Sundsy “He is angry,so we __better be carfull,”she said.A had B should C would D had stay 选哪样一个,为什么? 同声传译会火多久市场就业前景好吗 最火Cambridge Satchel英国剑桥包是什么? 英语翻译I am a question to the world,[00:21.30]Not an answer to be heard.[00:24.89]All a moment that's held in your arms.[00:29.85]And what do you think you'd ever say?[00:34.10]I don't listen anyway?[00:37.46]You ignore me,[00:39.37]And I will n 关于二战犹太人的电影例如《辛德勒的名单》,《钢琴家》,《美丽人生》,《伪钞制造者》等等.有名字就可以,小说也行, 功夫不负有心人 英语翻译 (提示词用pay off)怎么翻? what's with the map ?是什么意思哪位英语达人帮我翻译下,多谢了 complete the word map with the words from the reading是什么意思啊