
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 01:07:23
健身健美操正式比赛时间(2分-2分30秒,2分30秒-3分,3分-3分30秒选择 两篇文言文【甲】周公诫子成王封伯禽于鲁.周公诫之曰:“往矣,子其勿以鲁国骄士.吾文王之子,武王之弟,成王之叔也,又相天子,吾于天下亦不轻矣.然一沐三握发,一饭三吐哺,犹恐失天下之士 1.一个女的要杀掉自己的孩子,试了好几次没成功,后来他孩子就说:你杀了我吧!然后这女的就被他感动了,最后没杀他.2.就是两个人比谁有钱,一个貌似叫石什么的,另一个不记得.都在《世说新 文言文两篇求两篇简短的文言文,有注释,有翻译.快 一.读完回答下列问题:桓公观于厩,问厩吏曰:“厩何事最难?”厩吏为对,管仲对曰:“夷吾尝为圉矣,傅马栈最难:先傅曲木,曲木又求曲木;曲木已傅,直木无所施矣.先傅直木直木又求直木; 写一种小动物的作文,要300字的. 写一种小动物的说明文500字 求根号11的近似值(保留三位小数)加油你会行的! I have a headache because I_____.A.have a toothache B.hurt my knee C.have a fever 选哪个? I have a fever and my throat is s( )补全单词根据首字母提示 值得一提的一件事作文700 用对比、拟人的修辞手法写一种小动物.(急!)3.4行左右。一给我马上设为最佳 请把people have thought about going into space for many years 这句话的句子成分分析一下 慢表比快表每时慢40秒,而快表比标准时间每小时快40秒,问慢表一昼夜比标准时间慢多少? 英语求翻译:She thought about going to have a trip finally decided on going boating好像是这样,我没有打错吧还有:33、Your mom and I decided to go to some other place in China.34、I'm going sightseeing in Hongkong with my parents 一块表4.5小时慢2.7秒,照这样计算,一昼夜要慢()秒.可以把过程写出来吗 people may have different ()about Sue.括号里为什么填opinions而不填thought 一个钟4.5小时慢2.7秒,照这样计算,一昼夜要慢( )秒. Sometimes people call each other “scaredy-cat”,but have you ever thought about this expression?When a cat is frightened,its heart starts beating faster,its muscles get tense,and there are changes in the chemicals in its blood-stream.Although the To __,only about five hundred people have travelled into spaceTo _____,only about five hundred people have travelled into space.A.day B.date C.now D.nowadays 这样做 值得 的作文 用逐步逼近的方法求根号3的近似值(保留4位有效数字)有详细步骤初一数学 这样做值得作文600字 用对比的手法描写一种小动物 600字左右 急!求~~拜托各位大神对比手法 可以和同种动物作对比 描写一种小动物 明天要交 急呀!求!大概600字左右、、、务必弄好、万分感谢 用乖巧造句(描写一种小动物,不少于30字) Man-made satellites have been sent up into speca by many countries.(改为主动句)晕吖.、主动句..还有、这类题目该咋样做吖.、有没啥诀窍. 请帮我解释这一句文言文!东西南北尽皆通,出姓移居更觉隆,衣禄无亏天数定,中年晚景一般同. Man-made satellites have been sent up into space by many countries 改为一般疑问句( )man-made satellites ( )( )up into space by many countries? 谁能帮我解释一句古文纵然如此,候斯永世.翻译成现代文 So far many man-made satellites_____into space. A.have been set up B.are being set upC.have set upD.have bing set up So far,man-made satellites_____(send)up into space by many countries. i visited a factory with some of my friends_____produces computers.A.where.B.who.C.which.D.whom这里为什么不选B,而选C?