
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/20 18:32:28
other uses翻译 I’m going to the supermarket this afternoon. Do you have anything _____ ? (2004上海)A. to be buying B. to buy C. for buying D. bought解析:不定式作anything的定语,意思是:要买的东西.故选B. 我认为选项里面没有正 other places.翻译 Are you going to have anything to do tomorrow?的同义句:Are you tomorrow?(只填一个词) —— 英语翻译else的翻译除了Do you have anything else to do?用What else怎么翻译? I'm going to the supermarket this afternoon.Do you have anything__?A.to be buying B.buy C.for buying D.to be bought为何选D,选C为什么不对?buy有没有什么情况是不用被动的 英语翻译原句:The song was an internet wonder before it was every other song heard on the radio.请问:before后边是什么意思, 1.we are going to the supermarket this morrning .do you have anything___?A to buy Bto be bought2.I have something ____.A to buy Bto be bought这两个题目有什么不同吗?选什么?希望高手可以帮我解答疑惑老师说第一个是B 第二 I am going to Beijing for business.Do you have anything -----to your parents living there?1 ,I am going to Beijing for business.Do you have anything -----to your parents living there?A to bring B bring C brought D to be brought 2 Is this the radio sh 我知道我根本不用提问 答案我心里清楚 但是好难过怎么说 现在我和男友就好像陌生人 说出来都好笑 就连做X都是了了形势,更垮张的是 他现在根本不亲我 我不明白是为什么(排除口臭等等 关于童年美好或者找回童年的作文题目要煽情点的.或者有诗意点的.很普通的不要. 关于童年的作文题目我要写的是以难忘的童年为题的作文,我想写我和舅妈她们一起去山上摘西瓜, 童年的伙伴,你在哪里?像这样的作文题应怎样写? He ------- Beijing .I don't know when he did it.A has gone to B has been to选哪个 世界上有两片相同的树叶吗? 雅思口语蹲点要注意什么? 雅思口语蹲点怎么蹲?需要注意什么? What if she s an angle mp3的URL 以“I want to be a/an…”写一篇短文(70词左右) 可在网上搜 请以"I want to be a/an."为题写一篇短文,词数在100之间 世界上有两片完全相同的树叶吗? when I see you 我自己翻译的意思是:为什么我看到你.后面的不会了. 童年的乐园指什么 给童年读后感起一个新颖的作文题目 在我爷爷死之前叫着我的名字.是什么含义?当时我不在场.人在快死之前是什么样的心情? 请翻译“You cut your teeth on it.” (1)They a( )my family members (2)That girl is my sisiter(对my sisiter 进行提问) “人生如萍”是什么意思 类似于“文房四宝”的词 萍齑是什么意思 2008北京奥运会上的脚印烟火,有几个脚印? 2008年北京奥运会开幕式上的脚印焰火是应用了化学中的什么知识?