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英语周报 综合复习 2012-2013学年(下)的答案 求英语周报七年级牛津2012-2013综合复习答案! 规定一种运算:a×b=ab+a-b其中a、b为常数,求2×3+1×(-4) 求结果和过程 数列{an}中,a1=2,a2=3,且{anan+1}是以3为公比的等比数列,若bn=2a2n-1+a2n(n为正整数)a3 a4 a5 a6 都等于多少 等差数列{an}的各项均为正数,a1=3,前n项和为Sn,{bn}为等比数列,b1=2,且b2S2=32,b3S3=120.(1)求an与bn;(2)求数列{anbn}的前n项和Tn. 已知等差数列{an}的各项均为正数,an>0,a1=1,前n项和为Sn,{bn}为等比数列,b1=1,b2s2=6,b3s3等于24,n∈N*第一问:求an,bn第二问:令Cn=(n/bn)+(1/an*an+2),Tn为Cn的前n项和,求Tn第三问:记F(k)=19/2 - 2Tk - k+2/2^k-2 (k∈N*), 写理由(详细)1.Except Mary and ____,no one was old in the waiting roomA.his B.her C.I D.she2.Jim finds _____ easy to remember all the English words-_____ a smart child he is A.it; What B.that ; how C.this ;What D.it;how x²+xy-2y²-x+7y-6 (a-b)²-(a-b)-2(a+b)²+(a+b)-6x²+6xy+8y²m²+2mn-15n² 求英语周报 2012-2013 总第3129期,就是 人教版 高一2012-2013学年 第16期 英语周报答案 急. 英语周报高一2012—2013第2126、3128、3130期的答案、、、、急求、、、 等差数列{an}中,a1=3,前n项和为Sn,等比数列{bn}各项均为正数,b1=1且b2+S2=12,{bn}的公比q=S2/b2求(1)an与bn表达式(2)1/S1+1/S2+...+1/Sn 英语语法 写理由The two brothers ran ___ the road shouting "Fire!Fire!"A.over B.along C.at D.with 英语语法高手请进 写理由1.--Mike,you ___ on the phoneA.is wanted B.want C.are wanting D.are wanted2.--When and where to build the new school ___ A.is not decided B.are not decided C.has not decided D.have not decided 超难英语语法 写理由1.The old man played for ____,but still nobody put any money into his hatA.some time B.some times 英语语法 写理由(详细)1.Here is ___ old book.But it is ___ useful one.A.an; the B.an;a C.the; an D.an;an2.There is good ___ for you,I've found your lost watchA.news B.ideas C.message D.thoughts3.When I was walking in the street,I saw a pl 高二外研英语周报四川版2012---2013总3179气第55期答案还有54期的! 有8个数他们平均数是18去掉一个数后剩下7个数平均是19在去掉一个数剩下6 个数平均数是20去掉这俩个数的和 英语语法总汇 英语语法填空 问几道英语单选题,1.The flowers wew so lovely that they ____ in no time.A.sold B.had been sold C.were sold D.would sell2.I know a little bit about Italy as my wife and I ____ there several years ago.A.are going B.had been C.went D.have been3.- 问几道英语单选题,希望得到分析解答1.when he entered the room,he dound Mary ___at the desk,reading.A.seating .B.sat.C.seated.D.sitting herself为什么不选B,A看起来也可以吧,前面不是有when么..2.it has been announced that c 几道英语单选题, 求这几道题的解析,11.---- I heard Backstreet Boys would sing at the New Theater.---- Where did you _______?A.pick that up B.put that up C.make that up D.take that up12.I came home very late last night,_______,early this morning.A.at the latest 八年级数学(反比例函数)题【分子/分母】在反比例函数 y = k / x 的图像上有一点p (a,b),且a、b分别是方程 x方-5x-6=0的两个根,求k的值及点p到原点的距离. 八年级数学(反比例函数)1. 如图,正方形0ABC的面积为9,点O为坐标原点,点B在函数y=k/x(k>0,x>0)的图像上,点P(m,n)是函数y=k/x(k>0,x>0)的图像上任意一点,边点P分别作x轴,y轴的垂线,垂足分别为E,F,并 反比例函数y=2/x,y=4/x,y=6/x的图像具有的共同特征:1 .2.. 八年级下册 数学 反比例函数某校科技小组进行野外考察,途中遇到一片十几米宽的料泥地.为了完全、迅速通过这片湿地,他们沿着前进路线铺了若干块木板,已知人和木板对湿地地面的压力 英语语法专家请进 写理由 EnglishI don't think Jim saw me.He ___ into a spaceA.just stared B.was just staring C.has just stared D.had just stared 英语语法专家请进 写理由How are you going to the ariport to meet your grandmother?-_____ my carA.By B.on C.at D.for-Her answer ____ the letter made him happyA.on B.for C.to D.at 一个英语单选题----高手帮忙2The mother asked her son whether he had passed the exam _____ .A:the next day B:the day before C:the day ago D:before the day