
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 23:42:00
“过了这么多年,藤萝又开花了”的含义是什么?快啊!急嘞~~ 计算表面积:(1)底面半径3dm,高10dm (2)底面直径4cm,高6cm(3)底面周长31.4cm,高8cm 列式计算 过了这么多年,藤萝花又开了而且开得这样盛,这样密,紫色的瀑布遮住了粗壮的盘虬卧龙般的枝干,不断地流着流着,流向人的心底.请问你对这句话如何理解?谈谈你的认识. 紫藤萝瀑布题目(紫色的藤萝为什么会流动?) 为什么地理书上写的冬至日都是12月22号,而今年冬至是12月21号? 求比值 2.7米:12分米 35:70 1.5时:36分 “过了这么多年,紫藤萝又开花了”的含义是啥?办妥大家了,我有急用 今天是几九第几天-2013年12月22日冬至日 they might find it difficultto plan things for themselves为什么用it不用it's?应该是省去了that 一道首字母填空It's necessary for young people to find it hard to put away things they loveIt's necessary for young people to find it hard to put away things they love,or to behave the way they think is cool.That's part of development,and tahts Who's that tall man?的答句是什么下一句是什么 How old is that old man?答语 Who's that old man?的回答句He's my(_ _ _ _ _fa_ _ _ _ _)怎么填? 高一物理必修一力的分解怎么找分力方向 合力的分解中为什么很多都分成2个互相垂直的分力不是满足平行四边形法则就可以了么,我看到有些人说正交分解,那么分成互相垂直的2个分力理由是什么 12根小棒每2根一份,能分成( )份 有8枚硬币,中间放2根小棒,有多少种不同的摆法? 用同样长的小棒摆出一个三角形.如果两边分别用1根和2根.那第三边只能用几根 that old man is very l( ) That is_____old man.He is_____policeman(冠词) Happy you are with so much care!怎样回答 Miss you so much!Please be happy!Take care of youself!. Did she think ----- important to plan everything well beforewe did it?填什么? 用正确形式填空:It is ( ) of you to prepare everything well for us.(think) I think everything ——(go)well.急用 I think everything goes well.I am to puting on record our common dream now.so I can try my best to do well myself.Certainly you are same.too."Don't let with concern your people's disappointment.You are in my heart etermal touched.you's position in my 碘水的颜色是什么 化学 碘水的颜色 What led you to take up acting as a career翻译 16分之7=64分之( )=(  )÷32=35÷(  ) 求翻译what is important to find out before you take a new member of staff on 苏教版草原课文内容