
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 00:58:28
万象天引、神罗天征、地爆天星.有什么区别? 英语NO___ ____ _____ number The students take their ------ every year E____fresh vegetables and doing enough exercise will be good for your health Amy是个香港女孩,上周到北京来度假.她的笔友李强接待了她,带她去看长城,为她拍照留念.有时,李强还带Amy去逛商店,他们玩得很开心.时间过得真快,Amy的假期结束了,他们依依不舍.----------------- ___is good for your body.A.Do exercise B.Doing___is good for your body.A.Do exercise B.Doing exercise C.Doing exercises D.Do exercises 填空 Amy is a ____(fun)girl. Doing exercise is good for your health.写出一个意思一样的英语句 爱人之间应该彼此了解,彼此信任的诗句 情人到底应该怎么理解?情人到底是什么?怎样才称之为情人呢? 他们的电话号码是多少?用英语怎么说?what are their phone number?怎样回答呢?还要写出回答哦. 我制作课件请问,“数字加法练习”的英语怎么说 number practise? 根据提示用适当的词填空(2个)首字母以给出,使对话完整.A:Where were you yesterday?B:I went to the cinema.A:What film did you watch?B:A cartoon film about Robin Hood.A:Was Robin Hood an English h_____?B:Yes.He t______ from the 根据所给的首字母提示,用合适的单词填空,完成下面的对话.Andy:Do you still remember the mystery in our neighborhood?Wendy:Do you mean the strange light from the lawn(草坪)?Yes,i do.Is the mystery 1.(s )yet?Andy:Yes.My s Mike Hayes proved he was smart in his first year at college. In 2007, 1 he was a student at th 忽报人间曾伏虎,泪飞顿作倾盆雨 这两句说的是什么,这是运用什么手法,表现了什么 自主学语文上的 乳酸的化学成分是什么?家里的泡菜盐水变得很酸了,我想应该是乳酸菌的原因,想了解乳酸菌的化学成分,它对人有害吗? My t______number is 68285556补全单词 英语翻译my telephone number is 6785204 My telephone number is 80047562怎么念?中考人机对话考场有这道题.我不管怎么回答.总是说我回答错.究竟怎么念啊! 阅读对话,并在空格处填上适当的词D:Hello!____ ____ is David.What's _____ name?M:_____Mary._____ _____ you?D:_____ ,thank you._____ you?M:_____ very well.Look at my finger.D:Oh,I'm sorry.M:_____ _____are you?D:_____ 10.M:Thank you._____ t My telephone number is什么? 改同义句I studied until eleven o'clock last night.(改为同义句) 初二英语改同义句Mr Green came to China over ten years ago .=Over ten years ( )( )( )Mr Green came to China . 【初二英语】改同义句 1.Why don't you ask the policeman for help?改为:_____ _____ policeman for help?2.I found it interesting to talk with him.改为:I found ____ _____ interesting to _____ with him.3.We all agree with what his father 初二英语改句同义句 It's a waste of time to spend so much time on computer games.(保持原句意思)It isn't _____ _____ so much time on computer games. 忽报人间曾伏虎 求初二英语改同义句There was an earthquake in Taiwan in 1999(改为同义句)An earthquake _____ ______ in Taiwan in 1999 做阴道分泌物 超高倍显微镜检查 清洁度3 上皮细胞+ 乳酸杆菌- WBC+++ RBC- 阴道毛滴虫- 念珠菌- 支原体+ 做阴道分泌物 超高倍显微镜检查 清洁度3 上皮细胞+ 乳酸杆菌- WBC+++ RBC- 阴道毛滴虫- 读对话,用适当的单词填空A:(Where )are you from,Lily?B:I'm from New Zealand.A:(What) city?B:Wellington.A:Is Wellington the capital (in)New Zealand?B:Yes,it is.A:( )is quieter,Wellington or Auckland?B:Wellington is quieter(than)Auckland.A 乳酸杆菌少或无是什么意思 什么是乳酸杆菌少或无