
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 01:50:24
我不知道她和其他男的是不是,这样,我也不知道,她是怎么想的.我现在很费解,想不明白她.我有时想想,倒是希望不认识她 ,.也许是我想多了吧,.她这到底是不是暧昧啊.? 洛奇G1去火星.是否一定要星期6?我现在G1做到要去另一个世界了..貌似要星期6才行?如果不是星期6去..我是不是就得不到解除另一个世界封印的头衔?如果得不到这个头衔.是否G1就做不成?总之一 第二个字和最后一个字是反义词的四字词语,如:贪生怕死生和死是反义词 圣诞节送心爱的人1314个星星什么意思 find a job in a cars丿factory和 in a car facory那个用的对啊 为什么 高一语文必修一字音字形整理求求各位真的有急用要有字音在旁边注释的 火星微里有一个红色的礼盒型方块(透明的)在哪买.多少豆(币) 一个人在火星能活多久? 把一个人放在火星上不提供任何器材给他能活多久?那个人穿着就是普通衣物!活生生站立在火星上 我为什么活在地球上?我想去火星不准人身攻击. 一个句子里面可以有多少非谓语动词存在吗? I have been in Nanjing---A.for two days agoB.two days agoC.since two daysD.since two days ago应该选择哪个 已知seca+tana=2,则seca-tana=? tana+seca=5 求sina i want I want you. [英语]why don 't you read 空格easier这里为什么用比较级?和什么比较了?相对而言? I would like to be a doctor作文怎么写 The(A) hunter go(B) to town(C).选出错误的一项并改正 Are you excited?because I 英文谜语Why did the weasel cross the road twice?Answer:He was a double crosser. 英文谜语Why didn't the skeleton cross the road? Answer:It didn’t have the guts.这个是什么意思 Why didn't the skeleton cross the road?脑筋急转弯题 Who do you think is the most suitable person to be out monitor?Why?根据题意翻译最好能给出自己的答案 求命运长夜archer固有结界时说的话的录音就是  I am the bone of my sword.   身为剑所天成   Steel is my body,and fire is my blood.   血若钢铁铮铮 心似琉璃易碎   I have created over a thousand blades 1. What kind of career path do you think is most suitable for you Why?作文如题一道面试题目!我不太会写自己主要想向销售管理方向发展 最好中英文都有 命运守护夜中archer和狂战士对战时说的咒语和汉语意思 go to town为什么不用定冠词? 混凝土回弹仪 砼强度是以下图哪个刻度的读数为准 急◎◎英译中◎!关于奖金计划的规定The selection of any employee for participation in the Plan shall not give such participant any right to be retained in the employ of the Company; and the right and power of the Company to dismiss or d ( )carefui when you cross the road.A Be do B Do you be C Do be D Do for certain和certainly和surelyDo you know ______that robots would like to serve human beings?A.for certain B certainly C surely