
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 23:41:51
两个电阻串联后的总电阻是20欧,并联后的总电阻是3.2欧,则这两个电阻的阻值分别是多少(思路清晰 ,列式计算)越快越好 用much,many,few,little填空.1.There are only a _____ cigaretes in the box.Do you want to haveong?2.There is only a _____ coffee left in the cup.I'll go and make some more.3.Your homework is better than usual.You have only a _____ mistakes. 请问 many ,much,few,little的填空?1.I am sure the ___you eat ,the fatter you will be.2.we all hope there will be ___ pollution in the future.3.I think ___ people know the answer to the first math problem because it is very difficult.Even ___ peop he often goes to an action movie.(改为否定句) 英语翻译The particular form of the wavefront emerging from a real lens can be exceedingly complex,since it is generally the result of a number of random errors in the design,fabrication,and assembly of the lens.Nevertheless,lenses that are well m 英语翻译Unavoidable fabricationdefects of the mechanical modules that make the mirrorrotate—for example,wobble of the axes in the bearings—aswell as possible vibrations of the entire device as a consequenceof inadequate rigidity or the presen 五体投地的五体是指的哪五体? a sense of directions还是direction? 五体投地中的“五体”是指哪五体? 词组方向感sense of direction还是 sense of directions. 五体投地是指哪五体? sense of direction是什么意思 I got lost .I have no_____of direction A:sense B:ability C:knowledge D:feeling 我们常用“五体投地”这个成语,成语的来历 现在都有哪些国家学习中文 世界现在有哪些国家学习汉语? 哪个国家从小学就学习中文 哪个国家学中文的最多?中国除外,网上五花八门说什么的都有,有说是美国的,也有说是韩国日本的.到底是哪个国家啊?如果是中国人移民国外定居去哪个国家比较容易?容易办移民容易找工作啥 将金属钠投入AlCl3溶液中,下列有关叙述一定正确的是A.最后一定有沉淀生成,且有气体放出B.溶液最后一定澄清,且有气体放出C.一定有气体放出 D.一定无气体放出 改写下列句子(用连词):1.Tom is at home.Tom is ill.2.You will be more healthy.You do more exercises,such as running and walking.3.We all lake Tom .Tom is kind and helpful. "五体投地"中的五体指什么? 五体投地,指的是那五体?投地又是什么意思? 五体投地的“五体”指什么? what is "Bob's your uncle"? Bob is your uncle 是一句口头逗人开心的话吗? a few,few,a little,little的练习题5道 有一首歌的一句歌词“Is this the end of the world”叫什么名字?如题 有句歌词貌似是this is not the end of me,this is begining,是个女唱的 五体投地是哪五体? 2012 插曲 那2个老大爷在船上表演的 歌词有一段是 this is not the end of the world no problem 表示不用谢今天是感恩节,我用短信的形式向我的留学生朋友表示感谢,来自美国的他回复了我“No problem mate”有点奇怪,no problem 能否用来表示不用谢?看来了解的人也不是很多啊 表示提议的句子可以用No,thanks.比如说我们一起去放风筝怎么样,可以用no,thanks回答吗