
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 21:54:08
若函数y=(k+1)X^k的绝对值 是正比例函数求函数的解析式Y=(K的平方-1)X是正比例函数求K的取值范围 We want someone to design the art museum for us.—________ the young fellow have a try?为毛不用 Need 用Shall We want someone to design the new art museum for us.( )the young man have a try a May b ShallWe want someone to design the new art museum for us.( )the young man have a try a May b Shall c WIll c Need为什么不能选C阿? We want someone to design the new art museum for us.( )the young man have a try a May b Shall c WIll c Need We want someone else to teach us______.A.something different B.different something C.anything different D.different something 已知1/a-1/b=1,则(a+ab-b)/(a-2ab-b)的值等于多少? 在机场 check in desk 工作的人 叫什么 looks at Joey who is at the check in desk.in应该去掉吗?登记处的意思? it’s in your Is Cindy g_______ to the Art Museum tomorrow? 急求宾语从句,表语从句,定语从句的单选,填空各40道 never 表语从句&定语从句 Is this novel ___ you bought yesterday?A that B where Cthe one D when老师说应该选C,是一个定语从句翻译成:这本小说是你昨天买的吗?是不是构成了一个表语从句? 这道题杂做40X+65(50-x)=2500 大眼瞪小眼 舍命陪君子 快刀斩乱麻 坐山观虎斗之类的成语 用"奚落"造句 一道从句单选It is said ___ ___ was all __ he said.A.that;that;that B.what;what;whatC.that;which;what D.that;that;which为什么? 关于从句的英语单选 I like it when I enjoy my friends in the dance ___ I can enjoy mysef to the fullest.为什么填where不填which?这两个如何区分? 1.已知函数f(x)满足f(x)+2f(1/x)=2x-1,求f(x)2.设f(x)是定义在R上的函数,且满足f(0)=1,并且对任意实数x,y有f(x-y)=f(x)-y(2x-y+1),求f(x)的表达式.3.若一次函数f(f(x))=4x+3,则f(x)=? 2道从句单选____ moved us most was ____ he liked after the old man for more than twenty years.a.that;that b.what;that c.what;what d.that;whatThinking___you know ____ in fact you dont is a terrible mistake.a.that;that b.what;what c.that;what d.wha 3道从句单选1.Information has been put forward___more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities.为什么是that 而不是 as2.It worried her a bit ___her hair was turning gray.我觉得选while that 为什么啦3.___appeared to 夕阳西下的诗句 在一个EXCL单元格中有文字、有时间、有一组数字,怎么能只取那一组数字那例如:zhull(西北区-山西除外)) 14:08:52 800629577 北京区促销品户 只想取800629577这个组数值,请大家指教!急! 英语定于从句单选.高手进.急-do u have any idea when the experiments was carried out?-.i hear it was not until last year[ ] their plan has been approved.A.thatB.whenC.beforeD.once答案是B为什么啊 ?还有请翻译一下题目.答案 一道英语单选(从句)The teacher made a speech_________ she thanked the class for the gift.A whichB of whichC in whichD that为什么不能选D?可以是同位语从句啊! 一道英语单选!关于什么从句的.Her sister has become a lawyer,_____ she wanted to be.A.who B.that C.what D.which 我觉得选c,不是什么名词性从句吗?然后缺主宾表 都可以用what.我记得很乱,从句这边乱七八糟.所 I stll love 围绕“骄傲”造一段话!模仿:这个大眼睛的小女孩年龄最小,最叫他担心,因为她上学走的是蜿蜒的山路,其中一段还建在一座大水库上面.可是,这个大眼睛的小姑娘十分坚强,不管刮风下雨,她 韩剧传说中的故乡中有一集《孩子啊,别告诉我青山只是一个地名,总有一个含义吧?像天朝的华山泰山的,总说得出一两个典故. 初一上册英语单词表 需word格式要带音标和中文意思哦! 用无济于事 自以为是 冥思苦想 写一段话现在就要要快 快 everyone isno1中文是什么意思