
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 14:18:25
帮帮忙(阅读理解)如果可以我希望能有所讲解,不要只是答案...这个对我很重要...Fred was born into a rich family.His father had a big company and he had four brothers.He was the strongest of the five but he didn’t like 阅读理解,很急哦~~~~~~英语高手It was Monday. Mrs Smith's dog was hungry, but there was not any meat in the house.Considering that there was no better way. Mrs Smith took a piece of paper, and wrote the following words on it: “Give my dog The weather has a lot to do with our life 清华绿卡海南出版社期末卷英语七年级上的答案 新中国成立是,毛主席说了什么话? 急,毛主席宣布新中国成立时,说了什么话,地点在哪里?时间啊能精确到几点几时几分?答得好,一定有加分,但不用太复杂…… 求朗文的外研社的新概念英语美音版第一册的MP3(双数课)我买了套朗文新概念英语2007版的,但CD录音只有单数课,哪位有双数课的MP3,能否发给我, 新中国成立的那天,毛主席在天安门说的第一句话是什么话? The forests of the tropics produce a magnificent growth of trees,but commercial lumbering is inhibited by problems that increase the cost of removal.The proliferation of species that is common to all tropical forests creates difficulties because many 一道英语的阅读理解How could we tell time if there were no watches or clocks anywhere in the world?The sun was probably the world’s first “clock”,except in the far north,where the Eskimos (爱斯基摩人) live.There,it’s dark most of 英语一道阅读题 英语一道阅读理解Daniel Boone was born in the USA in 1734.He came from a poor family that lived in a small village near a forest.His father didn't have enough money to send Daniel to school so he never learned to read.However,Daniel learned a 回想六十年前毛泽东主席在天安门城楼宣告“中华人民共和国中央人民政府在今天成立了!“那情景,可以用什么四字成语来形容,那流行的队伍真是—用两个成语来表示 如何理解“毛主席宣布:‘中华人民共和国中央人民政府今天成立了!’”这句话的历史意义?急 如何理解“毛主席宣布:‘中华人民共和国中央人民政府今天成立了!’”这句话的历史意义? 小学五年级上册行知天下58页的答案是什么?请别回答 谁知道八年级上册第一期地理 发网址也行! 六年级上册数学行知天下第二期答案!急!急!急!急!急! 行知天下 50至54页答案潍坊的临朐县过去叫骈邑的行知天下 五年级上册数学第四期行知天下62答案 天安门上为什么要挂毛主席像? 哪里有英语高手可以帮我做一道阅读题. 求1949年毛泽东在天安门讲的话的视频讲:中华人民共和国成立了 为什么要挂毛主席的画像在天安门城楼上 北京天安门毛主席头像怎么换成我的? 他们平时也会多做英语练习(英文翻译) 英文翻译:需要多练习说英语 1道英文阅读题Mrs.Smith is very old and very poor.She has no husband and no children.Her friends often come to help her.They clean her room and cook for her.The room is small and dark.There is only a bed,a table and two chairs in it.Mrs Smith is 毛泽东在天安门城楼宣布中华人民共和国从此成立了.这一事件有何历史重大的历史意义 屈原和端午节的历史. 中国 亚洲 世界 天安门 北京按一定顺序排列 起来 格林夫妇带着儿子吉姆到House of Noodles 去吃午饭 用英语怎么说 英语作文60词.今天星期天格林夫妇带这儿子吉姆到面条店吃午饭.格林要了大碗的牛肉面条格林夫人要一中碗胡萝卜面,吉姆要了一小碗西红柿鸡蛋面,他们还喝了3杯茶,一共花了20美元,他们过