
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 00:53:04
英语翻译3、we have lunch in the cafe in the park.andthe food asn't very good.4、How many classes have you got a day?5、How do you spell the name of your school?6、This is a picture of my bedroom.Let's colour it.6、Do you know the name of the 求英语翻译..这句话最适合的翻译怎么翻On our way home from a good day a work 英语翻译用粤语写一遍 再用普通话写一遍翻译一半就行了 前一半 后一半不用翻译 细蚊是啥意思还没到一半呢 综援果滴衰野咯是啥意思 综援是什么 生活中有哪些物品是集合了几种食物的长处呢? what is the relationship between one's attitude to life and one'fate?Does the former determine the latter or is it the other way round?求这两句话(和在一起的)的标准翻译,别拿那些翻译工具来糊弄我哦! Access between and 用法,我想用between and来查询数据库当前时间到前面7天的数据,你能帮我下吗? They are much ( ) than I thought and I'm sure the ( ) between us will last long.(friend) 翻译I never knew this could happen between us. What is industrial chain and what is the relation between conference and industrial chain? she decided to devote hrself(to studying)the problem of old age为什么要加to? the old lady promised to devote all she had---the poor child go on with his schooling--处怎么填?A to helping B helping C to help D helped.老师说是 devote to doing 形式我我觉得 to do 做目的状语诶.all 后面(which)she had 定语 Mrs Wsilson made up her mind to devote what she had to (C) some schools for poor children in theearthquake-stricken areas.A:set up B:have set up C:setting up D:having set up为什么选C? She is writing a letter to a friend of hers,______ him to attend the party.A.to invite B.inviting 填哪一个啊,______ 处作什么语?to do可以用作补足语,而doing不可以 谁能解释一下怎么辨别补足语啊,举个例子也可以. get、arrive、reach的区别是什么?简练些, 为什么我的生活那么没有规律?每天都是睡得很晚才起来,然后晚上很晚才睡一天到晚不知道自己要做些什么,浪费了很多时间,生活很乱,请问怎么才能够养成良好的生活习惯呢?我这是属于什么 我的生活只有定理,没有原理.觉得现在的生活,一直按常理来,就觉得吃很多亏. “色即是空,空即是色”怎么解释? 如何安排还一天的生活 我的生活有点乱 希望能有规律本人现在还是个学生 色即是空, 谁给评价一下我的生活规律呀!本人十八岁,生活规律如下.我每天早上二个包子一杯豆浆一个鸡蛋一个苹果,中午正常吃饭,之后下午也是正常吃饭,晚上睡觉前一瓶纯牛奶.每天锻练二小时,锻练 为何说"空即是色,色即是空"? 色即是空 空即是色 到底指什么?谁能具体帮我解析一下色即是空 空即是色 ..我参误不透..如果没有好的答案请不要乱回答.. 色即是空空即是色还有:菩提本无树,明镜亦非台,本来无一物,何处惹尘埃.现实中有人能做到吗? he's so careless that he always ____ his school things at home .A.forgets B.leaves C.put D.buys 翻译My father always comes home before he goes out again.感觉是怪怪的 是新概念第一册练习册里的一道题 单独一句话没有语境很别扭谁能翻译完再解释下啊? 谢谢了~ 英语翻译她是我的好朋友,她有黑色的短发,她很瘦,她的个子中等,她经常穿黑色衣服,她不喜欢讲话,她看起来像个男孩,她很酷,你知道她是谁吗【快,汉译英】 It was raining hard,they could not work in the fields.请问哪里错了?哪个地方或者哪个单词用法错了? 英语翻译我国农村社会保障制度研究—分析农村保障制度、困境及对策摘要:社会保障是我国政府为全体国民因各种原因而失去收入来源、生活贫困时,向他们提供的生活保障.对城乡居民进 they both work hard and save every penny they could翻译 英语翻译还有告诉我为什么填【were】. 空即是色,色即是空是什么意思啊? 怎样理解“色即是空,空即是色”