
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 22:46:09
魔方颜色乱装还可以弄成六个面吗? 三阶魔方的每一个面能转六种颜色吗?只是想转转看 没个面都有六种颜色! 请问魔方的六个面分别对应是什么颜色?就是前后左右上下分别是哪种颜色?(刚买的魔方拆了最后怎么组装都装不上TAT…) 怎样才能把魔方六个面颜色全部拼对? 要求:以社会见闻写一篇600字左右的作文,要有一定的哲理性.本人急用!我说的是作文!不是论文! 怎么玩魔方才能扭出六个相同色的面出来? 玩魔方怎样才能玩出6个面? 1.The horse is standing with its eyes open.(改为同义句)When the horse is standing ,its—— —— ——.2.Monkey can work out easy Maths problems.(改为同义句)Monkeys can woek out Maths problems that—— —— ——. 英语题 急啊~~~~Ⅱ. Read and write(读一读,按要求写出下列单词的变化形式):1. hot(反义词)___________ 2. degree(复数形式)____________3. make(现在分词)__________4. strong(副词形式)_____________5 红色单词是small 英语翻译1.学校图书馆有四个阅览室2.上周她遇到了麻烦,过的很不开心3.这项工作可以由他来做 时钟一天能重合几次?、 在研究平面镜成像特点时,实验中,小文同学利用同一套实验器材,选择入射角为15度,30度,45度的三条光线进行实验,结果得到了不同的数据,如图所示,经检验,三次实验中个角度的测量值都是准确 光线从空气斜射入一种液体时,入射角为45度,折射角为30度,则这种液体的折射率为多少? 课后,某同学利用同一套实验材料,选择入射角反别为15度30度45度的三条光线进行试验,结果得到了不同的数如下表试验次数 1 2 3 入射角 15 30 45 反射角 75 60 45经检验,三次试 @转换:He didn't go to bed until he finished his homework last night.是要改until~可以将它换成before吗?要两句,呢还可以换成:He got to bed when to he finished his homework last night.或者是He got to bed until he finished his h 1.241st 英文怎么读2.罗马数字怎么读,比如伊丽莎白二世,有人说是读二,但我觉得这里应该读第二吧 英语翻译1.图书馆晚上10点闭馆.2.下次来上课前请预习课文.3.我早就告诉过你.4.新教学楼落成(News Headline)5.去纽约的航班明天早上8点起飞. ①给所给词的适当形式填空!1.can you help kids with_____(dance)?2.they want_____(join)the basketball club.3.can you______(sing)?4.I think she is_____(England).5.canyou piay the guitar______(best)?②连词成句1.may,it,today,is Day________ 一处错误,—Are you Mr Li —Yes,I’m not.—Where is you?—I‘m not.I am in Class two,Grade One.第三句呢? 暑期作业(英语改错)(1) The clothing there aren't very fancy and fashionable ,so few people do shopping there .(2) Frank was telling me about all his experience as a young man yesterday afternoon .(3) This lesson should be more instructive 句子改错1.he has made his mind to go to the forest2.Tibet is the place that they will start their journey3.He seemed that he knew nothing about the accident4.The Ss entered into the hall for the lecture 5.parents today are doing all they can make 作业帮助`英语句子改错1`He got shock when he heard the news 2`The parents both feel proud in their son,who has won the international contest 3`The soldier was injured in the battle 4`He rose the baby from the bed 5`He is the man from him i h 各是什么组成的 一个口一和什么? 含有比喻手法的成语ml 带有比喻手法的成语如 浩瀚如海 含有比喻手法的成语有哪些? 在三角形ABC中,角B等于2倍角C,AD是角BAC的平分线,试探求AC,AB,BD三条线段有何数量关系 希望好人一生快乐!开心!幸福! 希望你开心快乐 藏头诗 用as,though让步状语从句的倒装翻译:“尽管他吃了早饭,但仍然很饿”,这里eat是及物动词,用as,though让步状语从句,还要不要倒装, 魔方中心颜色一样几年前买了一个魔方,买回来的时候绝对是六个面六种颜色.刚开始不会玩,瞎倒腾,这几天拿出来发现中心颜色黄色对应的还是黄色?请高手指教……怎么想怎么不对啊……