
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 20:40:37
请问“一鼓作气,再而衰,三而竭.”这句话连贯起来怎么解释?谢谢了! 一鼓作气 再而衰 三而竭说明什么!5分钟内 我急呀! 第一个给高分还有操千曲而后行晓声,观千剑而后识器说明什么@!@! Wang Ping _____his keys in the office so she had to wait until his sister ___ home The crow felt a great pain of death don't punish a dog one time and not the next time for doing the same thing 怎么翻译不要翻译软件的啊 望各位大师帮个忙one time 什么意思 具体翻译一下 1属于N 0不属于N(N右上角加星) 这个加星号的N是什么意思 有一首歌歌词里有i know i know的,歌名是什么 英语写作(150字左右):The Web——the main source of information The reporter refused to name the ___of his information .用root还是source,why? ( )information of this kind 括号里填the还是什么都不填 生肉真空包装能保鲜多久? do u think media is the source of misinformation rather than information?帮我翻译下.帮我翻译下 It is a year since the last time I see you.Not the same guy but the same feelings. The house rent has increased by ____since the same time last year.A 25 persent as such as B as much as 25 percent C 25 persent as high as D as high as 25 precent 为什么是B rent不就是price,那不就应该是D Mary 的名义给Jack写一封邀请信 你的笔友Mary下个星期将来中国,你打算带她参观北京的部分旅游景点,请根据所给信息并适当加以补充,写一篇文章介绍你的计划. 看下我对还是错[(-1)的m次方]的2n次方+1的(m-1)次方+0的2002次方-(-1)的2009次方.答案是不是为2m+2的(m-1)次方 帮忙检查下,看有没有错的地方 Us And Them 歌词 09 - Us And Them 歌词 Us And Them (Live) 歌词 1:Them us,please1:—Them —us,please2:Oh,the green and red—look nice3:Shall we— —them——为要填内容快 都需要镇流器啊 一般家装的筒灯呢是否需要 they are going to hold an art exhibition对hold an art exhibition提问()()they going to()? 怎样用hold an art exhibition造句? Postgraduate taught ?Postgraduate research ? 这两个有什么区别?最好具体一点, 学费,申请,读几年, 一般出去都是读什么的, 工科的 最好 谢谢 He had the boy ---- ( clean) the floor .适当形式填空 Afternoon,Mr.Lin told to me that I can’t get this job.I gave up it before several weeks..I felt very sad.I have prepared everything to welcome this work to come.But it happened what I don’t want to happened.What can I do now?I am just staying hom 帮忙看下我错哪了 我是新手最小公倍数 (LCM) 的一组积极的整数是最小的一组中的所有数字被整除的正整数.就例如 5、 7 和 15 LCM 是 105.输入输入将由多个问题实例组成.输入的第一行将包含一 谁能帮我看下,这段哪错了呀>> clear>> x=1.5;y=-4.4;z=0.15;a=7;b=0.35;c=0.5;d=0.7;m0=-1/7;m1=-40/7;for i=1:10000g(x)=m0*x+0.5*(m1-m0)*(abs(x+1)-abs(x-1));x1=a(y-x-g(x));y1=b*(x-y)+c*z;z1=-d*y;if i>3000plot3(x1,y1,z1);endhold on;x=x1;y=y1;z=z 帮我修改下,看看哪里错了!Facts proved that I wasted one day.I always feel very confused and lose myself when face difficulties.I think why I have no idea when that time.I almost lose my mind.I always query my dream.But I really really like "mark sure the door is shut "said he 变间接引语.怎么变