
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/27 17:27:13
乔巴英文名字叫什么 乔巴这个名字用英语怎么说? 乔巴英文怎么写 We took___pictures of his familyA.many of B.a number of C.the number of D.a large amount of our school life只要5行字,每行5个词,加翻译,(好的加分) 英语厉害的进翻译以下文字:this report only reflected our actual finding,the inspection was done to the best of our knowledge and ability and with due care,the findings are valid as for time and place of inspection.for and on behalf of sg In front of_____remained of my old house,I took some pictures and told my soIn front of what remained of my old house,I took some pictures and told my son some funy stories about my childhood.问:remained后的of 跟哪个单词搭配? _____articles can help people become more interested in them.A.Writting carefullyB.To be written carefullyC.Carefully writtenD.Having written carefully请问为什么?为什么carefully 要放在 written 前面? Tere were some flowers in front of the house. ____________ _________in front of the house? Did the boss make workers work for over 12 hours every day?的同义句 the boss make him work for 12hours a daythe boss make him work for 12hours a day 改为被动语态急 熟肉怎么做好吃 求Miley cyrus 的stay歌词中文翻译 谁知道stay bellefire的中文翻译?I don't have to tell you what it's like Days without you by my side They run together like stormy weather In the summertime And I don't have to tell you how it feels To wake up in the night without you here So w 选择题Tom made the bed_____.A. to lie inB. to lie C. lie我知道C是不可能了,A和B哪个对有没有人能说得更详细呢.我觉得是A,老师说是B 英文选择题: Tom told his mother that he made graft(on/in/at/of)the apple tree. Newton was noe of the greatest scientists ()ever lived.我选的是whom但答案是that请问为什么啊? newton one of the greatest scientists.is known for is known as is known to is known by how much time do we have left属于什么时态.为什么呢谢谢. 亚历山大二世改革后俄国农民地位变化 亚历山大二世在俄国改革的具体内容 在亚历山大二世改革前俄国面临的严重危机有哪些 Don't worry,we have _____ time left.A.little B.much C.few D.many Don't hurry!Thereis___time left.(little,a little) 几道初三英语,亲们帮个忙 1.Do you know where___(find)a good place to have fun2.Most fruit is produced in the___(南方)part of China3.They can't decide___the Watertown A.how getting to B.how can we get to C.how we to get to D.how to get to4 英语翻译我有10只兔子,两头奶牛、5只鸭子、2棵苹果树、50条鱼,湖水很清澈,鱼儿们很喜欢在里面玩,草地绿莹莹的,兔子们很快乐,鸡们下的蛋很好吃,欢迎你们下次来哦! 《格列佛游记》格列佛为什么离开了慧骃国? 《格列佛游记》中格列佛游游历了()、()勒皮他(飞岛)和慧马国等四个国家. 邓小平理论与三个代表重要思想核心坚持什么? 邓小平理论十分丰富,它的核心内容是? 推翻俄国沙皇专制制度的事件是? 英语翻译早安,很高兴能在这儿跟各位介绍自己,我是刘念,来此应聘庆北大学食品营养系的本科生。如果能进入贵校上学,对我来说是一个大好机会,可以继续好好学习,毕业之后又可以