
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/20 06:16:58
什么数的算术平方根是3 25题的2,3题,急, 2³÷2.25×(3/2)²求大神速度回答, 1=5 2=25 3=45 4=65 5=多少? 2.3.4.急, 高数题,X1=1,Xn+1=1+1/Xn,证明Xn的极限存在,并求该极限 Which of the following is NOT considered a characteristic of Britain?15. If a student wants to go to university in Britain, he will take the examination called _______? A. General Certificate of Education-Advanced B. General Certificate of Secon f(x)定义域为R,存在x1≠x2,使得f(x1)≠f(x2),且f(x+y)=f(x)*f(y),证明x∈R时,f(x)>0 已知:RT△ABC的斜边长为5,斜边上的高为2,将这个直角三角形放置在平面直角坐标系中,使其斜边AB与x轴重合(其中OA0,n>0)连结DP交BC于点E(1)当三角形BDE是等腰三角形时,直接写出此时点E的坐标 两圆外切于P点,○o1的弦AP和BP延长交○o2于C,D两点,若PA=6,PC=4,PB=5,求PD的长度 给我3篇繁星春水中较短的文章不要太长的,只要3篇,对了,每篇再给我附上赏析,3q Rearrange the letters "OKEDYN" to make a word .which category does it belong to?A.Animal B.Food C.Friut D.Plant Rearrange the letters "MOTOAT" to make a word.Which category does it belong to?A .Animal B vegetable C transportation D Address Rearrange the letters "LONOED"to make a word.Which caregory does it belong to?A.countryB.foodC.flowerD.fruit急,在线等,谢谢 Rearrange the letters "WASN to form 4-letter word.Rearrange the letters "WASN to form 4-letter word.Which of the following categories do you think this word belongs to?A.A kind of fruit B.A kind of bird C.A kind of beverage D.A piece of clothing (急)已知RT三角形ABC中,角C=RT角,AB=5,BC=3求斜边上的高及中线的长已知RT三角形ABC中,角C=RT角,AB=5,BC=3求斜边上的高及中线的长急 xf'(x)>f(x)在 x>0上恒成立,证明任意的x1,x2(x1>0,x2>0)均有f(x1+x2)>f(x1)+f(x2) Change the order of the letters "EBCABAG"to make a word .which category(类别)does it belong to?A.Clothes B.City C.Bird D.Vegetable这是今年习思能力竞赛四级的考试卷第30道选择题有能力的帮解下~ 已知在Rt△ABC中∠C=Rt∠,AB=5,BC=3,求斜边上的高及中线的长 已知:RT三角形ABC中,角C=RT角,AB=5,BC=3,求斜边上的高及中线的长已知:RT三角形ABC中,角C=RT角,AB=5,BC=3,求斜边上的高及中线的长 已知在RT△ABC中,∠C=RT角,AB=5,BC=3,求斜边上的高和中线 如图15:已知,直角梯形ABCD中,AD//BC,DC⊥BC,已知AB=5,BC=6,cosB= .点O为BC边上的一个点,连结ODCOSB=3/5点O为BC边上的一个点,连结OD,以O为圆心,BO为半径的⊙O分别交边AB于点P,交线段OD于点M,交射 如图,AD⊥BC于D,EG⊥BC于G,∠E=∠1,试说明AD是∠BAC平分线 英语改错,这里的错误是D,可是我所知道的是副词修饰动词,而这里却是形容词,这个我和不理解, 如图,AD⊥于D,EG⊥BC于G,∠E=∠1,试说明AD是∠BAC的平分线.今晚就要啊! 英语改错, f(x)=xe^x,是否存在a使任意x1x2∈(a,+∞),x1[f(x1)-f(a)]/(x1-a)?求...f(x)=xe^x,是否存在a使任意x1x2∈(a,+∞),x1[f(x1)-f(a)]/(x1-a)?求a范围【不用详解,给个思路就好】 已知Rt△ABC的两边a、b满足(a^2+b^2)(a^2+b^2-2)=24.求此直角三角形的斜边长.请写清过程,谢谢. 英语questionThis question has been discussed( )A some timeB for some timesC sometimesD for some time 英语句子the sum is finite and the coefficients are real Assume that p is a polynomial function on the set of real numbers.If p(0)=p(2)=3 and p'(0)=p'(2)=-1,then ∫(0,2)xp''(x)dx=?(a)-3(b)-2(c)-1(d)1(e)2 If someting is virtrual,then it is created by computer technology and appears as if it is real.