
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 10:50:09
0.4/6.6 (保留一位小数)的结果是什么 一堆煤重4吨,用去3/8,还剩多少吨【快点, 英文MoSo_Room翻译中文 1L0.1mol.L-1CH3COOH溶液中含有分子的数目小于0.1NA 标况下,0.1mol Cl2 溶于水,转移的电子数目为0.1NA,为什么是错的? 请问 balloon翻译中文怎么说? ScienceDirect怎么翻译,这个报刊名称用中文怎么说? 请帮忙翻译一下He’s watching TV?He’s supposed to be cleaning his room 改错 what do you think is he busy doing What do you think he is doing.这句话是一个正确的句子吗?语法上有问What do you think he is doing.这句话是一个正确的句子吗? 英语问句问:what do you think of sth?我可否回答:I think of doing sth is...用I think (that)do sth is... 英语翻译1.A sum of money which one borrows from a bank.2.Things such as rock,wood,cloth,glass,plastic,used to make something.3.A game of chance to buy tickets with numbers to win some money.4.The system for producing light in a room or in a big h 2012六月四级总分408,听力131,阅,151,综合45,写作75,如何能过呀,错了听力137,裸考的,考之前没做过真题,对四级虽然考了还是不大了解,求分析该咋样补,就做真题吗?综合包括哪些?我都给忘 关于鱼肉和薯条的英语短文 "炸鱼" 英语翻译 饲养场的白兔是黑兔的5倍,后来卖掉了10只黑兔,买回来20只白兔,现在白兔的只数是黑兔的7倍,原来白兔、黑 饲养厂的白兔只数是黑兔的5倍,后来卖出10只黑兔,买回来20只白兔,现在白兔的只数是黑兔的7倍.饲养场原来养白兔和黑兔各多少只? 饲养场白兔的只数是灰兔只数的2分之一,后来白兔和灰兔都卖掉9只,白兔的只数是灰兔的5分之一,白兔有多少只? Her height is more than 1.55 metres. what do you think you are doing What are they doing?Do you think?(合并) What do you think the students are doing?是宾语从句吗? 平安夜一定要吃苹果吗? 平安夜为什么要吃苹果呢? one half与one-half 是一个意思吗 连词成句 1:something bar behind is the there snack.2:going the this are weekend we to zoo.3:and eating sour is in john restaurant pork the sweet.4:garden is your where perfect? 一个长方形的长增加5厘米!宽增加3厘米!它的周长增加几厘米? BOb was going to the zoo with his classmates过去式,为什么“go”加ing?,急求 用心 专心 爱心 1.下列四位科学家,哪一位的 abc三物体叠在一起向左匀速滑动,a上b中c下作用在b上有15N的力带着abc匀速向右问a受到几个里b受到几个力c受到的摩擦力是多少 为什么做科学家80字 为什么科学家说的就是对的?