
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 01:04:30
他20个小时没有睡觉了?的英文翻译是 doesn't he sleep for 20 hours?要是不对 怎么翻译翻译? 广东话高高席(用普通话读出来)是什麼意思广东话 咁高席(“高席”用普通话读出来)是什麼意思 “背”这个字广东话怎麼说? He has long legs.(1.变否定句,2.写出反义句,3.写出同义句,4.变一般疑问句并作肯定否定回答)补充图片 This bird has long legs.(一般疑问句) For what price is 5 percent off the same as $5 off? what percentage还是what percent?例句THX decreasing 75by x percent give the same result as increasing 45 byx precent,what is the 求翻译 at what percent did the appraised price of the house increase? My boy, why don't you play us what you know well? 是什么意思?无 we are going to do our lunch in the garden this afternoon 哪错了 根据句意和首字母提示,补全单词:These shirts are on s___ for only 15 dollars.找错误1、( ) I want a pair of pant.____ __ ____a b c _________2、( )You is a school boy.- _____ ___a b c _______翻译句子1、来看看我的新毛衣. 关于活动的英文单词 l don't know how lcan learn engilsh well.《改为简单句》l don't know ()engils Would you like to join ( )(括号中填we的适当形式)原题是用括号中所给的适当形式填空Would youn like to join _____( we 我真的做错了吗?英语怎么说 我不知道我做错了什么 用英语怎么说 你并没有做错什么?用英语怎么说? we sell sweaters for only 58dollars.改为同义句 sweaters ..for only 58 dollars.we sell sweaters for only 58dollars.改为同义句sweaters ..for only 58 dollars. The sweaters for ( )女子 are only 10 dollars I am so happy that everything goes well是什么句型? 瑞士美度,梅花手表官方天文台认证手表和浪琴名匠系列选哪个? 选择 Li Ming doesn't like talking.He's () quiet.选项 A.a bit of B.a little of C.a little bit D.a bit little加上原因 Li Ming doesn't like oranges,but Emi does.这句话能不能改成Li Ming doesn't like oranges,but Emi likes. He doesn't like to be away for long.He doesn't like to be away for [ ][ ][ ] 句型转换 高中生看什么杂志提高作文水平 伊索寓言中有龟兔赛跑的故事,请你从这个故事中归纳出人生哲理 the best idea is that to find a english girlfriend 这里的to是不定式还是介词 请说明为什么 The other day, my brother drove his car down the street at ______ I thought was a dangerous speed.A. as B. which C. what D. that选一个谢谢啦 美度天文台认证手表每天慢9秒需要修吗买了3个月了 现在每天基本上慢9秒 不是天文台认证的正常应该是+6 -4 需要哪去返修吗? 天文台认证的手表走得慢,怎么办我的全自动机械手表是天文台认证的,每天我的运动量都很大,而且每天佩戴时间都是大于八小时,但是每天我都发现会比前一天慢10-15秒左右,只有我自己手动摇 圣诞节的祝福语(要英文的,通俗易懂的)我打错了,要中英文对照的