
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 20:55:50
architecture design~ 字母s发“屎”的音的单词有哪些?(sorry,音标打不出) 在美式发音中,由音标短音[ ɔ ]而变化出来的发音短音[ɑ]如office,sorry等,与原本的[ ʌ ]音的比如说body和buddy等类似的词语发音区别在哪儿.美音中 [ ɑ:]音有时会发成[æ],如dance[dæns] 求文献一篇 The Structural and Functional Diversity of Metabolite-Binding RiboswitchesA. Roth, R. R. Breaker, Annu. Rev. Biochem. 2009, 78, 305;The Structural and Functional Diversity of Metabolite-Binding RiboswitchesAnnual Review of Biochemistr EVOLUTION AND ETHICS怎么样 smart plan material是什么是一种材料管理软件,但不知道叫什么名 semifluorinated functional materials 除了翻译,最好能说说这种材料的特征结构、化学通式、特性、用途,它和全氟溶剂有木有关系的啊? cold什么意思 cold turkey是什么意思 求英语高手赐教 Reactivity of Metals (实验报告)1TopicReactivity of Metals2Goal3Instructions1Materials:Na,Mg,Al,Ca,Cu,HCl(0.5M),distilled water2Possible observationsIf there is any reaction between metal and acid,metal and water3InstructionsMix metal with aci a soap of an organic amine 英语翻译If it is for your guys,go to the end of the earth!要求:请给出这句话的精确意思,直译是翻不出来的. Reactivity of Salt Baths and Diffusion Rate The reactivity of salt baths combined with their high h Our investigations continued with determination of the stability and reactivity of the two componenOur investigations continued with determination of thestability and reactivity of the two components in biologicalmedia.In vitro assays in PBS,serum,an 海什么百什么的成语 百什么百什么的成语有那些? 桀这个字怎么读?纯属无知,呵呵 “桀” 这字读什么? 桀桀怎么读 桀怎么读啊? 桀这个读什么音? 新概念2 him ball stuck the the in face landed once he huose roof on a在线等face后面是另一题 he landed on the roof of a block of flats为什么加s如题···他飞机应该降落在一个公寓的屋顶上啊···为什么加s 新概念二中 one of 用法,新概念二28课的第一句话:Jasper White is one of those people who believes in ancient myths.这里不是one of+复数名词+定语从句吗?定语从句修饰前面的复数名词,为什么从句的动词believe 能介绍一下夏朝桀是一个怎样的君王吗? They *** six years agoA,died B,were died C,were dead D,have died.选什么,died是瞬间动词,应该不行.而ago又表明要用一般过去式是什么呢? 夏朝桀说:‘天之有日,犹吾之有民.’书上说是他以太阳自比,我怎么觉得是他一天自比,把民比做太阳? 夏朝的桀的父亲是谁 夏朝的统治中心在哪? 审判者用英语怎么读,用斜音,也就是汉字读出LNQUISISTOR 审判者英文怎么写 审判者用英文怎么说?