
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/10 16:30:00
be used to doing.used to be 就是关于use的那几个用法,我被弄晕了 谁能给一篇作文题目是《小议“先天下之忧而忧”》要短的,不要太长. 2012,你的心愿是什么?这是作文题目.题材是:如果世界末日要来了,你会对地球做些什么?要500字以上,求怎样写?还有怎样开头和结尾?中间写什么? 18.When she was very young marie cuele showed great i__in science. Edison showed great i_____ in science when he was a little boy.横线上填什么? he showed great in----in science he showed great _____ (interesting)in English when he was young 安康最近几年小考的作文题目是什么?帮忙分析一下2011年小考作文可能是什么, My mother is a office worker哪里错了 my father is a doctor.my mother is a teacher.判断 hisparents are not office work (T or F My father is a blue-collar worker but my mother is a -collar office worker Her farther is( an office worker)括号提问 soon he became very interested in science he became very insterested in science.为什么insterest要用ed呢? basketball soon became very popular为什么soon要用在became前面 when i was reading jim _______(came) into my roomcoming 是错的 much有修饰形容词副词原级的时候吗? much to后边加啥 加形容词和副词么. Tom shows great ____ in playing football.(interesting) 比较好的英文杂志有哪些? 为什么,My mom gets really angpy when I ( forget ) to ciean my room.句子里forget用原形?再把各种从句,有例句. 哪种英语杂志比较好,自己想多看点杂志来通过英语了解时事,希望能够对交流产生好处 但是那么多不知道用哪一种 ,大家给一个建议 I()my pen at the moment and i()it in my room.Aleft,forgetBforgot,leftCleft,leftDforget,forget Don't forget to (t ) off the lights when you lesve the room It (m ) very sad when I think of my1. Don't forget to (t ) off the lights when you lesve the room It (m ) very sad when 2. I think of my little dog't death.3. What an— wake up和gut up有没有区别 Can you look after my daughter _______I'm away.A.When B until C how D while 这题是不是选D啊,为什么? can you look 后面填什么单词 my cat when i am away --Could you look after my son while I'm away?(125.34)-- -------.A.Yes,you're right.B.You're welcome.C.Yes,please.D.With pleasure. Sit down,please.(写相同意思句子) 考BEC剑桥商务英语证书,口语和听力要怎么复习?听力方面有什么书吗? could you look after my dog __后面接while I'm away,还是while I leave herewhile I'm away与while I leave here有什么区别 Travelers have ended up lost on mountains.我觉得ended up lost 怎么这么奇怪呢?帮忙解释一下这是什么用法还有ended up