
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 16:41:39
孔子说的最有真理的话 Look Both Ways 歌词 死亡小心穿越 LOOK BOTH WAYS怎么样 电话提示已关机或不在服务区是什么意思? 麻烦帮我翻一下中翻英,资产阶级根据种族和民族特征,划分人们的社会地位和法律地位,限制和侵犯其他种族的基本权利和自由的现象.在阶级社会里,种族歧视实质上是阶级问题.种族歧视在古 Our neighbor said that if we made more noise he would _______ us to the poli1.inform of 2.complain about 3.report to 4.care for 同音字 仔 怎么组词,读音又是什么 找(好)和(搞)广州话读音的同音字 Tom and Ted often go fishing_____Sundays.理由 追问 Tom often watches TV at the weekends对at the weekends提问 请问“宥”的粤语发音,有没有同粤语的同音字? 填上恰当的关联词:( )这家商店物美价廉,服务态度又好,( )经常是顾客盈门.( )人类大肆砍伐森林,( )会破坏生态平衡,影响人类的生存环境.期末复习很紧张我们( )要复习好各门 感受香港与内地与众不同的学风我相信,这段经历将会成为我人生中最为宝贵的财富香港是一座与国际接轨的大城市拓展学生们国际视野有助于培养我的独立思考、人际沟通、领导能力这也 孔子的话记录在什么之中 孔子的话大多记录在哪本书里?是大多数哦! 李四光是数学家吗?今天就要,急~~~~~~~~ 李四光是什么家? 为什么说李四光真是人民的科学家 把i n w n e r s组成单词 Maria and her sister look the map.改成同义句 Lucy and her sister A look the same B are look the same C are look like D look the same 选哪个 为什 我今年19岁,我立志成为李四光那样的地理学家 Make a plan with your parents1H______ your mothen do some housework.2M______ your roomclean every day.3W______ your clothes as often aspossible.4T______ enough exercises.5C______ the food by fourself.6M______ the bed yourself and go to bed on time.7R 学校修一个长60m,宽40m的长方形操场.先铺10cm厚的三合土,再铺4cm厚的煤渣.需要三合土、煤渣各多少立方? My mother is very strict and ___(make) me tired. my mother is very stict and ( )(make)me very tired()里应填make 的什么形式 my mother is very strict and makes me very tired.请大哥帮我改错 My mother is very strict and makes me very tired这句话的make加不加s这句话加s吗 育英小学修一个长120M,宽80M的长方形操场.先铺15cm厚的三合土,再铺10cm厚的煤渣,土和煤渣各多少m3 修一个120m,宽80m的长方形操场.先铺15cm的三合土,在铺10cm厚煤渣,三合土、煤渣各多少立方米? 小学修一个长50m,宽36m的长方形操场.先铺10cm厚的三合土,再铺4cm厚的煤渣.需三合土、煤渣各多少方? 诸葛亮是三国时的政治家,军事家,还是什么家