
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 12:40:10
oh, dear, I forgot the two _____? a. room's nubmer b, rooms' number C room numbers d rooms' numbers oh,dear the key to the door_____ in the room!A forget B is left C forgot 2008年希望英语暑假的比赛什么时候结束的?准确点几月几号? 高中语法到底有几种 whose is the yellow bag on the desk同义句转换____ does the yellow bag on the desk ___ ____? Don't swim in the river.改为同义句﹍ ﹍ swim in the river.按这样写,每空一词 两空, 急~大神快回答~~仿写:他时而激情满怀,时而义愤填膺;有时热烈激动,有时雄辩过人.仿写:老师在讲台上,时而____________,时而__________;有时_____________,有时________. 七年级下册第十四课练习题.仿写句子,例:他时而激情满怀,时而义愤填膺;有时热烈激动,有时雄辩过人. Her uncle is a teacher.对划线部分提问划线部分:teacherWhat ______ her uncle? what do you suppose he wants如何解析 What do you suppose made her worried?________ aWhat do you suppose made her worried?________ a gold ring.A Lose B Lost C Losing D Because of losing quite a few students是什么意思 quite a few是什么意思?谢谢啦 下列提供的事物,你认为与地球形状最为接近的是,1.鸡蛋2.苹果3.乒乓球4.桃子 鞠躬尽瘁放荡不羁略胜一筹阴霾笼罩迥乎不同鲜为人知冻饿之虞毛骨悚然义愤填膺这写词语都是什么意思啊?人声鼎沸鞠躬尽瘁相得益彰面面相觑放荡不羁略胜一筹阴霾笼罩迥乎不同鲜为人知 博学多识、一拍即合、忘乎所以、义愤填膺、杂乱无章 、以身殉职、拈轻怕重等解词造句博学多识、一拍即合、忘乎所以、义愤填膺、杂乱无章 、以身殉职、拈轻怕重、漠不关心、麻木不 义愤填膺的解词 含蓄 踌躇 杂乱无章 无可比拟 仰之弥高 锲而不舍 兀兀穷年 迥乎不同含蓄 踌躇 杂乱无章 无可比拟 仰之弥高 锲而不舍 兀兀穷年 迥乎不同 气冲斗牛 可歌可泣 鲜为人知 当之无愧 家喻户晓 quite a few people的意思如题 快 假如太阳压缩至乒乓球大小,并在网球大小的空间“瞬间”释放全部能量或者泯灭所产生的能量能否推动一个强度足够的物体穿越时空?或者说该物体能否在突破世间与空间的能量爆发中达成 有两个英语题目不懂,25.\x05Is that the farm _____ you once worked ten years ago?A.where\x05\x05B.in which\x05\x05C.that\x05\x05\x05D.which个人认为B也对,为什么选A 22.\x05--- Shall we meet next week?--- Yes,let’s ____it next Sunday. As winter______ spring,the days began to lengthen.A got down to B took the place of C got along with D gave away toNo matter how many times _______,he sticks to it.A has he failed B he has failed C he failed D he had failedBeing a salesman of a big c quite a few请问这个词组修饰可数名词还是不可数 A giant rolls a bowling ball with a uniform speed of 30 m/s (about 70 mph) across the top of his laA giant rolls a bowling ball with a uniform speed of 30 m/s (about 70 mph) across the top of his large desk.The ball rolls off the edge of the desk and 关于quite a fewwhen we arrived,we found the meeting room crowded with students.A.quite a few B.only a few C.few Da few quite what colour does it book1 test4 (lesson13-16)卷A和卷B的答案,快现在就要, what colour does it的答句 at speed of 和at speeds of 有什么区别吗? reach a speed (1/2)the movement of; reach a top speed of; more than ;produce…from; I'd like to buy a _ bicycle.A ten-speed racing B ten-speeds racing C ten of speed race D ten-speed 求一篇5分钟左右 有趣的英语演讲稿.要通俗易懂贴近生活、有趣.