
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/31 04:29:19
champs elysees怎么读 Do you ( ) out this math problem?你做这道数学题感觉有困难吗 i believe什么意思 i believe ___we___up with some other ways to solve this problem?A.should ;to come B.ought;to come C.ought; come D.should ;comeing Do you live ____ 213 First Avenue?——Yes,I live ___ there.A.in;on B.on;at C.at;/ D.in;/ 一道数学题.A math problem.如图所示,∠AOB的两边OA、OB均为平面反光镜,∠AOB=35°,在OB上有一点E,从E点射出一条光线经OA上的点D反射后,反射光线DC恰好与OB平行,则∠DEB是多少度?(As shown, < AOB on both 根据汉语句子完成英语句子,每空一词.这道数学题没有那道难.This math problem根据汉语句子完成英语句子,每空一词.这道数学题没有那道难.This math problem is ____________ ____________ ______________ that one. 找一首歌,歌词其中几句:when you close to me I can feel you heart.是女声,很缓慢的那种对了开始的两句是:when I feeling the news[这个词不确定] always have to do... 对不起,我正在解一道数学题 Sorry,I'm___ ____ a math problem Christopher Columbus discovered America on the 12th October,1492.He had spChristopher Columbus discovered Americaon the 12th October,1492.He had spent 18 years preparing for s___81____westward across the Atlantic Ocean.Hereturned to Spainearly in 149 When you finishied playing basketball ,you want a shower because you feel like "When did Yao Ming begin to like basketball?"怎么回答? Tim is_______ his book everywhere,but he can ’ t _____ it.A.looking at; findB.looking for; find C.finding; look forD.looking for; see 爱是永恒 英文翻译 那种爱是永恒的英文怎么写 爱是永恒的 翻译成英语怎么写? 求助:帮找一篇英语短文,开头是I took my children to a small beach along Lake Winggra.大意是妈妈...求助:帮找一篇英语短文,开头是I took my children to a small beach along Lake Winggra.大意是妈妈带孩子去玩,警 爱是永恒的忍耐用英语怎么说? mean有那两种用法? mean用法 Eternal可以做英文名吗?我是个女生,请问我用Eternal做英文名没问题吧.有没有什么不好的寓意之类的?叫这个英文名的人多不多?适不适合女生用?我觉得形容词和名词做英文名也没什么的呀,像有 see 后面是可以接从句吧?let me go out to see whether it is still rainingsee 后面除了可以跟that 从句,whether 从句也是可以的吧?2 raining 后面需不需要加 not . see sb do see接从句?什么时候用see sb doing/do?什么时候see接从句?请参照:The students saw it____(happen/happened)when they were walking near the river.I could see the boys of Class Two____(play/played basketball)on the playg 请问should see to it that后面只能接从句吗? I love him and hate himHey.I'm been having a lot of trouble with the friendship between me and my guy friend.I really really like him and think he's great,but I'm starting to get disappointed with our friendship and him.I am forever asking myself whe 林黛玉死前做的最后一件事是什么个 林黛玉死前做的最后一件事是什么拜托各位了 3Q个 【急!】tiger orange辨音,划线部分是g,还有:classroom和room划线是oo 在你咽下最后一口气之前,你最想做的事是哪一件事? Down below were the tops of the other trees.中文意思.down below 根据句意完成句子(英语)You should not _____ eat noodles for supper.You should eat some other food.