
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 12:36:56
水浒传读后感300字不可以多只可以少 水浒传读后感?300字左右读一篇文章的读后感 Thorntons Premium Collection 359g怎么翻译(食品品名)谢谢了 我在我衣服上发现一个词premium collection啥意思 想要东方神起的premium.classic.collection谢谢亲 请问谁有新闻阅读:The beauty premium:Why good looks pay的全文翻译? 计算7/6*8/7*9/8*10/9*11/10怎么算 6 7 10 11怎么算24 与4有2分之1比3分之2组成比例的是A 0.9比2.7 B 百分之30比10 C 1有7分2比21分之4 D 4. 水浒传 读后感300字 已知函数f x的定义域为,且对任意实数X,Y,都有F(XY)=F(X)+F(Y),且当X大于1时,F(X)小于0求f(x)在(0,正无穷)的单调性 函数y=根号(log3^(3x-2))/x^2-x-2的定义域是 函数Y等于根号下LOG3/2乘以(3x减2)的定义域是 求The Art of Letting Go歌词翻译!EskobarWell it’s the art of letting go I don’t really think I know But I have to find a place to rest Right now It is tearing me apart and it's a, no good mode for my heart please tell me and I’ll step away ART OF LIVE的中文翻译X-JAPAN的歌.希望大家能帮帮忙最好是中文,英语也没关系多谢~~ 已知函数f(x)的定义域是(0,+无穷大),且满足f(xy)=f(x)+f(y),如果对于0 y=log7(1/1-3x),Y=根号log3(x)这 两道的定义域, 要过程计算y=log3(3x-2)/1 是光求定义域 y=1/log3 (3x-2) 定义域对数的真数要大于0,同时分母不等于03x-2>0所以x>2/3log3 (3x-2)≠0所以3x-2≠1,x≠1所以定义域是x>2/3且x≠1 ,这个过程中,log3 (3x-2)≠0所以3x-2≠1,x≠1是怎么推出来的啊!为什么log3 (3 In some countries _____are called 'public schools' are not owned by the public.A.which C.what D.that选C为什么不选其余三项, 1.In some countries,___ are called “public schools” are not owned by the state.A. that B. which C. as D. what In some countries,what are called‘public schools' are not owned by the 15个连续偶数的和是300,这15个数的平均数是( ),其中最大一个是( ). 两个相邻的偶数的平均数是15,这俩个偶数分别是 7.27-(1.98+0.27) 23.4x18-23.4x8 (5分之4+4分之1)÷3分之7+10分之7 83x7分之5+2÷5分之7-7分之51又7分之6x36+35分之3x7又7分之1+3.6建筑工地要挖一个长50m,宽30m,深50m的长方体,挖出多少方土?王阿姨做了一个圆 (1)23×(-5)-(-3)÷128分之3 (2)-7×(-3)×(-0.5)+(-12)×(-2.6) 函数y=log2x+1/log3(3x-2)的定义域为A.(2/3,正无穷大)B.(0,2/3)C.(2/3,1)U(1,正无穷大)D.(1,正无穷大) (1/2)In some countries,___are called ‘public schools’ are actually not o In some countries ,—— are called "pubilc school'are not owned by the state.为什么不是which而是wha In some countires,_____ are called" puplic schools"are not owned by atate.A.that B.which D.what答案加解释谢谢 如果两个质数的和仍是质数,那么他俩的积一定是偶数,为什么?为什么?说明理由.小学六年级的、在线等! 判断:如果两个质数的和是质数,则它们的积一定是偶数