
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:46:41
He often plays the piano.(一般疑问句) Amy often plays the piano at school.改为一般问句,Amy often plays the piano at school.改为一般问句,然后肯定回答 My brother often plays the piano.的一般疑问句是什么? he doesn't play football any more的同意句 When I was six years old.I was visiting原文英语原文 I often____the song Big Big World.Me,too.It sounds very nice.A、listen.B、listen to.C、talk.D、talk to The song s---- beautiful and everybody likes to listen to itTom is s---- enough to carry the heavy stone aloneSicence is the most intersting of all the s-----The fish semlls nice.Would you like to have a t----?He felt hengry and t------after a long j I often listen to my English teacher ------ song A to sing B sings C sing Dsinging The song____ I often listen is Forever friends.A which B to which (两个空) do you listen to it?I often listen to it 求那两个空怎么填? 孩子施舍的天堂,(二)阅读《孩子施舍的天堂》一文,完成5-9题.看过一幅儿童画:一个鱼缸,里面游动着六条漂亮的大尾巴金鱼;在鱼缸的四周,围着六只眼睛发亮的小猫.我心里一笑,想:六比 孩子施舍的天堂 4.反复品味第三段最后一句话的含义,说说你的理解. 《孩子施舍的天堂》 “我”“为自己精神的庸俗和愧怍”的具体含义 孩子施舍的天堂题目怎么写体会画线句子的含义 第三人称单数加usually,后面加原型还是三单形式 在英语句子上,often后面能不能加第三人称单数?例如:应该是He often watch tv.还是He often watches tv. 英语中的从句是什么它和句子成分有什么关系? 谁能告诉我英语句子成分(从句、定语这些)多用例句 Jane went to school_____ she was,six years old.填这个横线,然后为什么要选这个A.where B.when C.what D.how Baseball is one of the most p___ sports in the USA,because it has a long h___ in this country. This is so useful a reference book ___we can use while studying English.A.that B.which C.as D.what 为什么? there ie a ban ___smoking in most public places in this country.A.for B.on C.in 请告诉理由there ie a ban ___smoking in most public places in this country.A.for B.on C.in D.with2、twenty-four years ago i was very handsome; i was often mistaken _ Medical care reform has become this country‘s most important public health ____.Medical care reform has become this country‘s most important public health ___.选项:a、questionb、stuffc、matterd、issue 从天堂到炼狱 请 对出下一句话 如何理解脚踏实地和异想天开?艺考题 异想天开和脚踏实地哪个更重要这是一场辩论赛,我要脚踏实地方的辩词!(一辩,二辩,三辩,四辩)错了,我要异想天开方的的所有辩词 辩论会:应脚踏实地还是异想天开?我方是脚踏实地,要陈词. 关于脚踏实地比异想天开更重要的问题与小结三辩辩词 用想入非非,痴心妄想,脚踏实地,千锤百炼造句,不要太长, He started playing soccer when he was nine years old.的同义句是什么? ______she swim when she was nine years old?A.Can B.Could C.Can’t D.If为什么不能选A? when she was nine years old,she c____run like other childern.