
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 14:20:34
唯博修期耳的唯是什么意思 被加拿大拒绝入境的记录会保存几年?我是香港人,之前来过加拿大,回去后再来就被拒绝入境了,因为来的时候并没有移民或其他签证就来了,现在有了拒绝入境的记录,要怎样才不被拒绝入境呢? human behavior in business organization翻译 the libraries of the world have yawned themselves to sleep over your kind.翻译 英语翻译Jim in the evening how do you think one can make a good first impression? the dental advisor是什么意思 The sugar is used in goods.怎么翻?The sugar is used in goods that have a fairly lengthy mix cycle/fruit fillings/ sugar boilings/some biscuits and toppings the doctor advises me to eat (an)apple a day为什么是元音, The doctor a dvises me to eat a apple a day的中文 英语翻译 英语翻译 英语翻译急 请问有谁知道冲压件超声波清洗机具体的使用环境是什么呢? 火线220V,零线12V.打开电灯是一闪一闪的,然后,查火线220V,零线220V.家用电器不能正常使用如题. 五金冲压件超声波清洗机的工艺条件? 硬质合金刀片超声波清洗机有哪些性能特点? 英语翻译 给电动机配断路起,脱扣电流怎么计算 当x=-2,y=2/3时,求kx-2(x-1/3y^2)+(-3/2x+1/3y^2)的值 Losing a job would mean the loss of ____.选哪个A.safety B.protection C.security D.defense例句 用法 以及差别告诉我. 秦朝和汉朝是如何选拔官员的? I'm writing to thank you for having appeared the day before yesterday for the date,though it could hardly be considered as a successful one.I failed to get it across you that it was my first time EVER to be alone with a girl,especially such an attrac This song is heard____now.A singing B to sing C sang D sung 选哪个?为什么? The song is heard sung.而不能说The song is heard to be sung.为什么 火( )( )花 成语补充完整 带笑,花,火的成语 y=kx+b的k乘2说明它的图像 no more trouble in my sight是什么? no more trouble in my sight这是什么意思呢? 若右图表示某生理过程或现象,以下不符合的是 A.唾液淀粉酶在不同温度下催化能力的变化 B.炎热的夏天,绿色植物在一天中的光合作用强度的变化 C.人体吸气与呼气过程中,肺泡体积的变 混血儿的国籍是怎么确定的?