
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 11:43:48
He was born __ the morning of May 7th, B.on D.of He was born _____the morning of June, C.on D.for 注: 请讲一些数学家的故事是数学家的故事!不要其它.(最好多一点,还要有教育意益的) 数学家的事详细些 好吗? 说一下数学家的小故事了解的告诉下哟, 6分之5-5分之4+10分之3脱式计算详细点哦! 寻讲一个数学家故事的 电视剧10多年前看过的了 记不甚清楚 应该是苏步青 关于解决了希尔伯特第十问题的数学家的一件事以前,我好像看过一篇文章(似乎是在老版的博士家园上),说解决了希尔伯特第十问题的俄罗斯数学家马蒂亚塞维奇好像说过他选择做这个问 我数学几何还行,但代数就不行啊,函数、应用题什么的,怎么办啊 高一函数计算题..有一定难度f(x)=ax^2+bx+1(a,b∈R,a>0),设f(x)=x的两个实数根为x1和x2(1)如果x1 高难度几何函数题(初二)AC垂直BC,AC=BC,CD平行AE,DE垂直AE.设CD=x,三角形CBD的面积为y.若AE=x+1/x+1,问y是不是关于x的一次函数?说明理由?是一到较难的函数和几何的题目思路不清啊图在http://hiphotos.bai 方程 函数 几何 应用题 要答案打在后面不要在题里 She was born ______Sunday morning ______1970 She was born_______(in/on)the morning of June 12th,2009. she was born the morning August 18th 介词用什么 she was born the outskirts of MontrealA.on D.from 求函数y=4tan(x/2-π/5)的定义域和单调区间 已知函数y=(2的x次方 2的-x次方)除以2的定义域,值域已知函数求定义域,值域 求函数y=(x/2 + π/3)的定义域和单调区间 homas Edison was a famous American scientist .He was born in 1874 .When he was a child,he liked 二元一次方程3x-my=4和mx+ny=3有一个公共解x=1,y=-1,则m=?n=? Thomas Edison was a famous American science.根据短文的内容选择正确答案Thomas Edison was a famous American scientist.He was born in 1847.When he was a child,he liked to find out how things worked.He was in school for only three months.He born in American .Edison was a famous scientist and inventor .he had more than 1000 great intention 求翻译这篇文章加答案最好thomas edison was a famous american scietist 因式分解:8x(y-2x)+1-y^2快 因式分解:4(2x-y)^2-(2x+y)^2求过程rt,快啊! (a—7)² (b-9)=0求a,b是多少 European Born Chinese American-born Chinese怎么翻译 我知道ABC是America Born Chinese,那么,BBC是什么? Ameracan-born Chinese 与 Chinese born in American 一样吗 数学家的小故事10字