
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 16:40:47
真实的,英文区别real true truth,看到很多句子都翻译成真实的,事实等,到底怎么区别,和运用,不要复制,书面语看不透.要真人自己的话说就好, 中国汉字是怎么发展而来的? A computer does only what thinking people ________. (Unit3-4) 为什么填have it do不填have it done?请分析一下句型或语法.既然people是主动,那么it就应是被动.而用done就指it被做,所以我还是不懂为什么不用done. A computer does only what thinking people _____. (99上海19) A. have it do B. have it done C. have done it D. having it done为什么选A? 李阳疯狂英语现在怎么样了?大二、大三的时候自己练过,到现在有5年了吧,现在“李阳疯狂英语”“市场反应”怎么样啊?就是说现在怎么样了? 已知复数z满足/z-2-2i/-/z/=0,则/Z/的最小值是? I'll give you love is the last of the open hand`什麼意思 nancy______|k.ft|tterribly yesterday.she had a bad cold横线里面的是音标 还有一个不知道怎么打 :I'll give you. The last love is letting go这是什么意思 She ___in the hospital yesterday afternoon.(be) 首字母填空; People have enjoyed dancing for a long time.This story will tell you a d____kind ofdance.It is one of the oldest chances in the world.It is the dance of the bees.Where does the honey come from?Bees make food from f_____.When a bee __________,for it happened a long time ago 原因?还有A为什么不对?A Little he thought B Little has he thought of it Does this story happed a long time ago 这个句型正确么? 英语阅读理解(初二),求解答和分析. My father is as tall as my mother.(改写同义句)My — are—填两个词 my mother is ateacher.my father is ateacher,too合并成一句My mother is a teacher,_ _ my father. how to inprove relationship with a Korean girl?She is my classmates. 若复数z满足│z-i│=1,则│z+4+2i│最小值?题如上, 英语的英式读法和美式读法有什么区别 有首英文歌的开头是listen to the radio.,这首歌还曾给绿箭口香糖做过广告,请问歌名是什莫? 求一首经典的英文歌,只记得有一句是这么唱的,“yesterday I listen to the radio."知道的务必尽快回答,谢谢 美式英语和英式英语中if的区别读音 The apple tree is green._____ _____ is the apple tree. My apple is green 改为同义句( )( )a green apple. 翻译 用于看电视的时间 The taste is great.The taste is great. Great Taste是什么意思 no taste is the all do you like make friends?if yes what kind of people doyou like to makefriends with?if no why not?我是大一新生 我们大学英语要口试 要求每个问题 怎么办啊 我英语不好 The girl often sings in the n_____ room.She likes to sit n____ to me. (选择题)-Do you know the girl __by the window?-Oh,she is my cousin Mary.A.sit B.sat C.to sit(选择题)-Do you know the girl __by the window?-Oh,she is my cousin Mary.A.sit B.sat C.to sit D.sitting 关于美术的名言名句?