
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 00:35:23
the children say that they have never been to london.对(that they have never been to london)提问 While our loved ones must have the money we make to live,it is the love we have that they really...While our loved ones must have the money we make to live,it is the love we have that they really want.这句话什么意思?能不能帮我按照语法 求奥巴马就职演讲(英文加中文)如题 they have been expecting a splendid crop.that's what they have been___1 waiting 2 waiting for 3 waiting to 4 waiting on请问选择哪一个,及分别说出为什么对与错 玩具作文把文具当人来写 客家围屋围成{ },按{ ]排列,这两大特点体现了客家人崇尚( )、期盼( )、( )和( )的民族心理和文化传统 英语四级需要准备什么书 具体说明!(本人基础很差) 想要考英语四级,什么样的书籍适合我?(基础不好)望有经验者回答!作为非在校人员不能考大学英语认证,学的是网络工程。考虑到工作,要单位认可的英语认证考试及相关材料 四级英语如何过,基础很差,最好推荐一些书,书书书书书,真心求教 A blind man with a bowl in his hand was beging outside the shop分析一下句子结构好吗 1、My glass,______ I was like a blind man,fell to the ground and broke.A.which B.with which..1、My glass,______ I was like a blind man,fell to the ground and broke.A.which B.with which C.without D.without which选什么 one day ,a blind man was sitting on street with a sign by his feet that read 谁能提供奥巴马就职演说原生和原稿最好还有中文翻译, the man with a umbrella.哪里错了 A blind man can't see,But he can ( ),with ears and ( )with hands.请问在括号里分别填啥词?谢谢 祝福祖国的话.两三句,马上要 英语作文难忘的一天70字翻译 求一个英文名(本人为男生),要特别点的 有英语音标的快速记忆方法吗? 记忆英语音标如何记忆字母组发那个音 我生气了英语怎么说 “但他没有生气”用英语怎么说! the Mid-Autumn Festival用英语怎么翻译 Mid autumn festival happy Mid-Autumn festival怎么读? mid-autumn festival怎么翻译 Mid-Autumn Festival.翻译, 门字框里“於”字读什么 “门字框”里面一个“良”怎么读? 玩具和玩偶的区别 ...玩具.和.玩偶...如题 ...当你被看做是一个玩具..的时候..实际是一个玩偶吗~ 中国为什么没获得诺贝尔奖