
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 01:06:40
九年级上册数学人教版实际问题与一元二次方程一车速度20m/s,遇紧急情况,停车后滑行25m.问:(1)刹车到停止共多少时间?(2)平均速度多少?(3)滑行15m所需多少时间? 几道英语题(加30分0The old man d____ was rather angry with the young man upstairsEdison took the boy to ____If you felt some () ,you'd better stop running.a.pain b.pains c.painful d.painesYou must always hide the knife ___ b.fro i'm sorry i___it __yours.a.didn't know;was b.didn't know; is I didn't know I was cheating. can you tell me the way to the bus station?改为同义句请问你能告诉我怎么去汽车站吗 几何证明题(七年级)M 形 It's a's my pleasure.with pleasure.My pleasure.的区别 lWere you born in Shanghai?---No,——untilI was 3.How long have you been inWere you born in Shanghai?---No,——untilI was How long have you been in Beijing?Let me see.____since 1998如何补全对话 My other half in which,Have been born yet appear! 区分 would have been born 和would be bornwithout China‘s family planning policy,the world’s seven billionth person would have been born six years ago 为什么是would have been born 而不是would be born 1/1-(1/1-x)1/1-{1/1-(1/1-x)}这两条方程的详细解法和怎么化掉未知数能写出来么?任意变量是什么都不知道啊! 写出一个图像经过点(0,2),且y随x的增大而减小的一次函数表达式 英语-为什么是I was born?born不是本身就是bear的过去式么?那我出生,这个动作我觉得不应该用被动啊 我觉得I born in 1998就可以了 那为什么非得 I was born? Gina用英语怎么读 某人按顺序写了500个偶数,5,4,6,······,1000,问:他一共写了多少个数字?其中有多少个0??急啊 某人按顺序写了500个偶数,2,4,6,.1000.他共写了多少个数字,其中有多少个0 小孙按顺序写下500个偶数2,6,……1000,问:小孙共写了多少个数字?其中写了多少个0 it's my pleasure与with pieasure的区别 1.3X×0.9-X=170(过程) 松花江边的小姑娘的主要内容是什么? 负的X的平方的平方根有意义 则X为 甲数是8,是乙数的60%,乙数是( ).我是怀疑这题出的有问题,可书上就是这样. 1、英语:It's my pleasure. 与 With pleasure.有什么区别啊?分别在什么时候用? 二元一次不等方程式组解法求这个方程式解法过程 小学三年级如何上好作文课 Does Anyone Know 歌词 初一平方差公式 题若(-2m+A)×(3n+B)=9×n的平方-4×m的平方则A+B=? 平方差公式题.一下是几道比较复杂的平方差公式题:(1)2003(平方)-2002*2004(2)(x+y+2)(x-y-2)(3)(x-2y+z)(x+2y-z)(4)3(2y+1)(1-2y)-4(-3y-2(3y-2) 六亿零四万三千改写成用亿作单位的数是?省略万后面的尾数约是?250360是几位数?5在什么位上?3的计数单位是?四个一,一个十分之一、三个千分之一组成的数是? 2、4、6、8、10,这些都是偶数,比101小的所有的双数和是__,请说明理由 要使4a05-ka+1是完全平方式,那么k的值是 若a的2次幂-ka+4分之一是完全平方式,则k=