
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 00:19:15
根据句意及首字母提示补全单词:I have to r______my plan to the boss next week. 我的小儿感冒发热可以服用阿司匹林退热吗? 读了孔子的治学名言,再对照生活实际,谈体会,体会到了什么?直接开门见山说体会到了什么? 孔子是()的人,我不禁想起了他的()这句治学名言 谁知道乙酰水杨酸的英文名?有意思的问题》 No one has yet succeeded in explaining the ___ of how life began.A.problem;B cause ;C,reason D,puzzle,why? 写出治学和立业方面的名言各一句 The baby is _______young_____walk.这道题怎么填11111111111111111 need,possible,teacher,as,we,as,a,soon(连词成句) We need an actor as ___ as possible.A.soon B.sooner C.soonest D.quicklyWe need an actor as ___ as possible.A.soon B.sooner C.soonest D.quickly“possible”是什么意思?“as”这里是什么意思 I need ____ (call) 适当的形式 him up as soon as possible 老师命令我们尽快离开教室.The teacher commanded that () () () () () () as soon as possible. “她在昨天晚上的会上发了言.”的状语?she spoke at the meeting yesterday evening.还是she spoke at the meeting in yesterday evening. Majority Rule,Minority 该用在哪里?RT, minority什么意思 读书永远是我生命中最大的快乐.缩句是什么? 请问这句话中的in the minority修饰的是什么呢?local partisan context has more impact on adolescents in the minority than those in the majority party. the public the majority the minority 只能用于单数吗 求教takes a minority stake in the company的意思请问takes a minority stake in the company,是指在公司中拥有少数股份吗?minority stake是什么意思啊?谢谢 我性格很浮躁,在生活中经常感到心烦意乱,做数学题时,遇到麻烦的题...我性格很浮躁,在生活中经常感到心烦意乱,做数学题时,遇到麻烦的题自己都看不下去了.怎么改掉浮躁的毛病? f are inportant to both men and animals f开头的单词 Plants and animals are important to us 的意思 family and friends are both important to Many people buy newspapers at the newspaper a_ Many people ()the seven o'clock CCTV news.A:read B:watch C:see D:look at have one hour to have lunch have (时间长短 例如an hour)to do sth 可以用么?可以是有一小时吃饭 和have an hour for lunch? 父亲的“野”孩子的100字读书收获 好句3个,感受.急 为什么气温一升高,我的性情就很浮躁? What mammals are very important to humans?Why?用英文答 过於炎热的天气会不会令人的情绪浮躁? 如何让自己变的不再浮躁? take one pictures day Will it 连词成句