
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 07:43:32
哪里在长期大量收购做扫把的铁扫帚知道的告诉一下谢谢你是长期的大量的收购吗。价格是怎样的呢。你来我出收购呢。还是我发货去你那。怎样结账。质量具体有哪些要求 缘分和缘份这两个词语哪一个是真确的 乡下的房子只有前面一排木板窗.暖和的晴天,木板窗扇扇开直,光线和空气都有了. 碰着大风大雨,或者北风 天窗 茅盾 乡下的房子只有前面一排是木板窗.暖和的晴天,木板窗扇扇开直,光线和空气都有了.碰着大风大天窗茅盾从那小小的玻璃,你会看见雨脚在那里卜落卜落跳,你会看见带子似的闪电一 上海市英语口试取消了吗?RT 上海2008英语口试题谁有啊?大家帮帮忙,我明天考 月亮和星星很亮的时候如题,什么时候月亮和星星都会很亮?还是不存在?请说明一下原因~我想问同时都亮的时候。我也听某人说过因为某些天文学原理,不可能出现同时都亮~究竟是怎样? 蒸汽拖把需要先把抹布弄湿吗 1.You can buy either of the two books.2.You can buy both of the two books. both men 和 both of the men 和two of the men 和 two men 对吗这四个 我要怎么知道动词前要不要加be呢?比如我无法判断主语加be加动词还是主语加动词 I wish both of you mnch happiness together是什么意思 wish you lucky是什么意思, Let us wish you both a hundred years of happiness什么意思? I can't work out problem in this way .Why ____it in some other way?A.not try doingB.not try to do Zhang Dan comes from China :the other students all come from Canada(改为同义句)Zhang Dan is_____ _______ _______ who comes from China :the others all come from Canada Lucy comes from America (改为同义句) 【关于修饰语错置】这两句意思有区别吗?为什么?原句:I can see many beautiful fish of all kinds of colors swimming in the river.改成:In the river,I can see many beautiful fish of all kinds of colors that are swimming. 【修饰语错置题】这两句有什么区别吗?原句:She wanted to send Lily a bundle of flowers when she just got back from Beijing.改成:When she just got back from Beijing,She wanted to send Lily a bundle of flowers. 修饰语是什么急. 形容人无语什么意思 形容不同的言语 ()言()语 4个 解释“置诸度外”准确的 快点置生死于度外意思 "有些人玩车会置生死于度外,有时懂得停有时也要会冲"这句话什么意思啊, 安危度外的意思是什么 What letter is neither I not he?Answer his answer is not the same as mine his answer _ _ _mine WORK IT ,WORK WILL SAVE YOU.的中文意思 文言文《为学》中“之”的意思 《为学》这篇古文中人之为学有难易乎, 求文言文解释:文言文为:(开头):“人之为学,不日进则日退.”急~