
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 19:59:52
环境如何影响气候 英语翻译there are people for whom the rainforests are home 英语翻译剑四 T2 S1听力原文有一句话.Pity he’s moving on tomorrow 这句话该怎么理解? 雅思句子翻译:和2002-2004年所估计的20亿相比,娱乐市场上的投资额在2008-2010年里总值达到了100亿,比之前的那一年的两倍还多 英语翻译rainforests are of consequence for a number of different reasons 英语翻译1.we're due to get there at 11.30 am这句中的due to应该怎么翻译?个人认为译成“因为,归结于”很奇怪.2.The truth lies somewhere closer to the fact that global market forces ofen have negative effects on the distribut 太平洋少儿英语到底怎么样? 太平洋少儿英语怎么收费? 太平洋英语少儿英语怎么样? 太平洋少儿英语好不好? 有人去太平洋少儿英语上过课嘛,想给宝贝去那报个班,不知道效果咋样. 中国人民志愿军为朝鲜人民做过的事有哪些? 雅思英语怎么说 我上次的雅思口语考官就是你 英语怎么说 我真没分了 考雅思用英语怎么说?如题 class前用什么介词? 他已经过了雅思(就是出国过的那个)英语怎么说 Let's start our class( ) an English song.介词A.to B.with C.of D.for 英语翻译Han and 原句是:A swarm of Han and Zhuang warriors(勇士)wield(挥舞)their makeshift weapons(临时武器)…这句话是在讲 太平天国起义的~是壮汉的~意思吗 瞎猜的... The blackboard is ( )our classroom填什么介词 our classroom is _____.their classroom is _____ than ours .your class-room is ___of all our classroom is __the center____the shool (填介词) Nobody in our class knows the answer____the question.It is too difficult.填合适的介词 雅思 英文 这个句子有错么In the following essay ,I would like to explore the causes of this complicated problem from different aspects and suggest some possible measures. 怎么样说更地道? 雅思 英文 句子The following essay is going to deliberate both these two aspects.用is going to 好像不是很地道…… 关于几个雅思英文句子的正确,请指教.请帮我审查以下句子的正确性,如果错误请指出.1.Even notable is that their parents went to great lengths to help them to apply a good school.2.They deeply believed that only by learnin 用两个动词写一句话! 两个以上的动词写一句话例:小明拿盆子端水擦门窗.两个以上(不包括两个) 用4个动词写一句话一定是四个动词,不能多也不能少!用汉语! the teachers often stand the class (在空处填3个单词) 用四个动词写一句话一定是四个动词,不能多也不能少! the school day begins at 8:45.Class teachers meet the class and check who is present and adsent at the beginning of the day.we meet as a whole school once a week on Firday.