
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 18:46:20
back finger是什么意思 “集中注意力”的英文单词怎么说 怎样提高英语成绩说一下 尤其是做阅读时如何集中注意力重点是提高英语成绩(记单词还可以) 就是英语成绩老上不去 跪求最新公共四级模拟题和真题要最新的 剩下两个月就要考四级了!怎么准备?上次考了371,这次务必要过阿!班上的人都过得差不多了!求高人传授经验! 怎样在两个月内准备英语四级,我的基础很好 如何两个月过大学英语四级 Everyone in our class are listening to the teacher now改错I have few postcards.You can use them.I have good something to tell youThe boy calls Jim is my friend.说清楚为什么要这么改 我英语不好,再有两个月该考四级了,我该怎么准备啊 "心灵桎梏"的意思 突破心灵的桎梏,打开思想的藩篱是什么意思 英语 把错的句子改正 急Just stay on bed and I 'll telephone the doctor.You'd better to go to the hospital.How many fishes can you see in the rier.Summer begin in June.Look!The girl is make a snowman.Don't tell the teacher .I's between you an 这句英语有点错误,They are not as good as they advertised(以前宣传的).英语,不是汉语! 谁给看一下这个英语句子哪里有错误,如何改正,Twilight gradually merged into darkness.And those what I think about in my heart changed into the dim light in the distance as well.I cann't make out what they are.What I can do is merely Don't forget ( ) to your homework to school tomorrow. A take B bring C fetch 选什么?详细讲一下道理谢谢那如果 Don't forget换成 Remember to 是同样的选择吗? ____ your homework to school tomorrow.用bring的形式填空 两个月怎么复习四级还有两个月就要考四级了 想问大家一下 怎么复习才能全面 已经好久没学英语了 挺愁的! 请问考英语四级两个月复习够不够? 听英语听力时集中不了注意力听英语不能集中在听力上,就一直看着听力题目,不自觉集中在题目上.有时会盯着题目中的某个单词.这怎么解决? 对划线部分提问: I like dancing,because it's fun. ____________becanse it's fun是划线部分。 I like art because it's fun 对because it's fun 提问 He doesn't like math.It;'s diffcult(用because连句)His favorite running star is( Liuxiang)(对括号部分提问)she likes music (because she wants to be a good singer))(对括号部分提问)English is not boring (用 she thi Last year,the number of the death increased_____2%--5%,_____the year before last.Last year,the number of the death increased_____2%--5%,_____the year before last.(说明一下原因) Food prices ____by 10 percent than last year为什么只能填increased而不能用现在完成时?就是为什么不能填写have increased?希望解释清楚,谢谢! In the country ,house prices d____ by 13% last year. nature和science都多久出一期啊,分别在每年的几月 Science、Nature一年出几期?半月刊?月刊?季刊? How old__(be)you when you__(become)a Young Pioneer? 【奥奇传说 疯狂·英语】问道英语题:He speaks politely just like a_____.(gentle)承认智商低= =没办法脑子转不过来了= = she ____ to him in English.是用says呢,还是speaks或者还有其它?这是一个短文填空的题 改正英语错句1.That pen it very nice2.Is its color pen3.I very like green4.It’s good pen5.It’s very best6.What is pen in Chinese7.Helen,good morning retro physical_lady gaga 歌词及中文翻译