
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 00:36:28
John is the tallest boy in the class,_______ according to himself.A.five foot eight as tall as B.as tall as five foot eightC.as five foot eight tall as D.as tall five foot eight as 如题Tom is the tallest boy in his class.转换Tom is taller than_____ _____ _____in his class.要有知识点,原因。 He is the tallest boy in his class. 同义句4种He is taller ____ _____ ______ _______ ______ students in his class John is the second tallest in Class 3, but he is taller than ___ in class 2.A.any other pupil B.any pupil C.the rest D.all the other pupils “让股权”用英语怎么说? C She was only about five feet tall and probably never weighedShe was only about five feet tall and probably never weighed more than 110 pounds,but Miss Bessie was a towering presence in the classroom.She was the only woman tough enough to make me re is he?He is only five.A.Howold B.How much C.How many only five什么意思啊? "股权投资企业"英语怎么说?其对应的英语有缩写形式吗?是怎样的?^-^ The child used to go to school on foot.(就画线部分提问)the child to go to school?( )( )the child   ( )  to go to school?(划线部分是on foot) it takes me five minutes________(go)to school on foot. the child used to go to school on foot对后面两个词提问 American children start to go to school at the a___ of five. 在线学英语的方法好吗?关键是我用书本自学的发不了音所以想练习口语 一个完全没有英文知识的人,想学英文,自学能行么?或者说买什么书好点? 英语晨读怎样才有效?我该读些啥啊? 英语晨读时间如何利用更有效? 提高英语每天都晨读好吗?我的发音不是很标准啊 对...有害或有益用英语怎么说 有什么英语读的是有用的我现在是一名中专生 想要充实一下自己 请问 应该读什么英文比较有用 英语快速刷阅读有用麽?英语阅读快速刷题有用么?我英语一天十篇以上阅读,平均一篇三四分钟,不对答案,快速阅读,这样又对麽? 求解答,若有理,再加分!谢谢!我是高三党 重要的英语怎么读 阅读中国日报对英语有用吗我是一个高中生 我每天晚上都翻译一段中国日报 请问这对我的英语成绩能有提高 或者有多大提高 饭后不能立即进行剧烈的体育活动A.消化有抑制作用B.会使胃肠壁的平滑肌疲劳C.影响小肠对营养物质的吸收D.会患急性肠胃炎选哪个,为什么呢? 饭后不能从事剧烈运动是因为饭后不能立即从事剧烈的体育运动,是因为A对消化有抑制作用B会使平滑肌疲劳C影响小肠的吸收D会患肝炎不知道确切答案的不要乱回答,碍眼 饭后不能立即从事剧烈的体育运动,因为这样的行为会____ 饭后不能立即从事剧烈的体育运动,是因为A对消化有抑制作用B会使平滑肌疲劳C影响小肠的吸收D会患肝炎 为什么饭后立即进行剧烈的体育运动对消化有抑制作用,流经消化器官的血液减少 国贸用英语怎么说 贸易部用英语怎么说 背疼英语怎么说 我是背下来的用英语怎么说?