
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 07:35:23
英语听力,许多单词都认识,但是让我听,就听不出来了,这怎么解决. 对于英语单词多认识不多的人!怎么样练英语听力呢?英语听力就一直听能提高?还是看搞听? 怎样练习英文听力?现在的感受是,大脑跟上所听到的,一个单词反应不过来,就落下了一大段 Please do not use numbers or special characters. NOVELTY&SPECIAL USE 谁帮我翻一下 Why didn’t you buy that pair of trousers?Don't you like the____on it?A:pattern B:manner C:size D:standard how much are the blue trousers?I would like to buy that pair of jeans?how much is it?为什么上面用are,下面用is? I like the colour of the trousers.So I'd like () A buy one B to buy one C buying a pair D to buy a The shocking news made me realize terrible problems we would face.A.what B.how C.that D.why单项选择,请注明理由, The shocking news made me realize___terrible problems we would face.A what B,how Cthat Dwhy为什么宾语从句一定是感叹句,直接用 that引导宾语从句不行么? 经常练听力的时候,都只能听见几个关键的词,可我又想明白里面的意思,我该怎么办呢? 父亲节到底是 fathers' day 还是 father's day? 父亲节快乐英文为什么不是Fathers' 而是father’s?很多爸爸啊. father's day还是fathers' day按照惯例来说father's day不太对吧? 教师节——teachers' day;父亲节——为什么译为father's day,而不是fathers' day!如果教师节理解为教师们 Miffy 可以做为英文名吗?Miffy是一直漫画小兔子的名字,可她好像不是真宗英名.我想知道如果我和外国人介绍自己的英文名是MIFFY的时候,他们会有什么感觉啊?MIFFY在字典里的意思是易发脾气的 Yuki、Miffy可以做女生英文名吗 Did the boss treat you well?His attitude to me was like (that of)a friend.这里为什么用that of? 米菲英语教室怎样翻译 Don't be like that 中 like 和 that 的词性各是什么?Don't be like that .这句子里 like 和 that 的词性各是什么?还有请分析一下句子成份, what do you think of after-school activities? 前两个字母是mi的女英文名.(比如:miffy,做好后面是个y字母结尾) cut and stick Please cut out ()(piece)of paper. a big piece of paper?还是 a piece of big paper? 石化怎么用英语翻译 They get terrible news.变为感叹句 (石化魔法的)石化怎么用英语翻译 just one more struggle i will be 求A.T.的两个英文单词缩写,组合起来要有意义,比如M.F就是More Free,和篮球有点联系,但不要直接联系,有那个意思就可以,想绰号一样的! 有没有与victoria相近的英文名答得好加分.需要好拼的. 1.英译汉,2.was 后为什么接possible而不是其它形式 she would always tell people how it was poss1.英译汉,2解释was 后为什么接possibleshe would always tell people how it was possible ,with just a few coins well spend ,to make your