
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 10:35:57
交往的质量 周国平交往的质量使一种交往具有价值的不是交往本身,而是交往者各自的价值.高质量的友谊总是发生在两个优秀的独立人格之间,它的实质是双方互相由衷的欣赏和尊敬.因此,重 父亲的死 周国平 阅读理解立即下载父亲的死  一个人无论多大年龄上没有了父母,他都成了孤儿.他走入这个世界的门户,他走出这个世界的屏障,都随之塌陷了.父母在,他的来路是眉目清楚 还是改间接引语 Mr Green said to them,"Joe told me all about his story when he asked for a job." 直接引语 变 间接引语 Mr.Green said to them,"Joe told me all about his story when he asked for a jobMr.Green told to them that Joe had told he all about his story when he asked for a job.可以这样变吗?其中的his 需要用 Joe's 为什么He said to Rose,"I can help them"改间接引语said要改成told?He said to me,"you can help them"为什么said不用改told? 变直接引语He them asked me to listen carefully to what he had to say 维修DT-830B万用表我因操作错误用200欧姆的档测了下220V交流电,电阻档全线玩完,hFE和二极管也不能用了.有人说是热敏电阻PTC坏了,但电路板上PTC三个字母附近就没有东西,只有R9、R16和一个电容, dt-830b万用表怎么侧电阻 哪位好心人可以发一份DT-830B万用表的使用说明给小弟?囧TL……求一份txt格式的DT-830B万用表的使用说明. 周国平的介绍 周国平简介短,但是要精确 周国平简介文章 grade,when,told,got,i,math,my,father,annoyed,him,my连词成句 用here造句 急.急.过了6月7日无效 万用表上字母M一H,F一S,D一H分别代表什么意思 请用“working here for"造句 求“老师指派我去做这件事情”的翻译,要有“appointment"这个词 This is your football shoe.Where's _______?A other one B the other one C other ones D the other onThis is your football shoe.Where's _______?A other one B the other one C other ones D the other ones(请讲出原因) Is this your shoe?Yes,it is.But where is___?a.the othersb.other onec.anotherd.the other one 善良丰富高贵怎么样 感谢你对我的回答.斗神,你可以弄个大点的信封,然后拿大点的纸张,把它伪装成信封再寄给我.哈哈!邮费可以省到一元以下了吧? 万用表的CX英文全写是什么 What is the different between"begin to do"and "begin doing"? What's the different between "try to do" and "try doing"?举例..*` ,1 不要太复杂的. what do you like doing want to watch children programme? YOU are so busy .what do you want me ? for you A do B done C to do D doing 定语从句this is 和thethe factory _______ we visited is a large one 这里填 which这里的factory是visited的宾语is this the village _____ you said in your letter your grandpa was once hidden from the enemy's pursue 可是这里为什么就 连词成句 fifteen your do you aroundb homework at do seven?快帮帮我,SOS 求歌词:this is the train from bloemfontein 谁会这道题:This is the train __ This is the train ____ we went to Shanghai. [ ] A.on which B.by that C.by which D.on that 英语翻译La mujer que camina delante de su sombra,aquella a quien precede la luz,como las aves de las celebracionesThe woman that walks in front of her shadow,who by which the light precedes,as the birds of the celebrations