
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 17:05:20
some day some dayssome day和some days好像都是指未来的某些天,请问一下怎么区分? a day,one day,some days,on a day的区别 some day和one day的区别 motorola怎么读?音标是什么? 数学建模-江河污染带来的经济损失谁有那题的原题的能发给我吗? 怎么分辨need是情态动词还是行为动词? some,there,computer rooms,are,on,second,floor,the怎么连词成句 如图,在直角坐标平面内,函数(x>0,m是常数)的图象经过A(1,4),B(a,b),其中a>1.过点A作x轴垂线,垂足为C,过点B作y轴垂线,垂足为D,连结AD,DC,CB.若△ABD的面积为4,求点B的坐标.垂足为C,过点B作y轴垂 如图所示,在平面直角坐标内,反比例函数y=m/x(m>0,m是常数)的图像经过A(1,4经过A(1,4),B(a,b)其中a>1,过点A作X轴垂线,垂足为C,过点B作Y轴垂线,垂足为D,连结AD,DC,CB.(1)若△ABD的面积为4①求点B的 如图,在直角坐标平面内函数 y=m/x(x大于0 m 是常数)的图像经过两点 A(1,4)B(a,b)其中a大于1 过点A作x轴的垂线,垂足为C 过点 B作 y 轴的垂线,垂足为D.连接AD,DC,CB若△ABD的面积为 4,求B点的坐 具体计划步骤 急 水质全分析项目说明有人能够详细说说水质全分析中的项目都能说明水质什么情况吗?就是每个项目分析了有什么意义?说明水质是什么情况?存在什么隐患?超过多少标准对什么材质的设备有什 some day someday somedays one day的用法和区别 英语翻译是个组合吗?是哪国的啊?最好是具体的介绍 Groove Coverage翻译成中文怎么读? ”groove coverage”翻译成中文是什么?里面的好多歌曲我都很喜欢. Groove Coverage 英语翻译she groove coverage 翻译准确的中文, do you know how long he has _ this?ever since last night A,like B,liked C,been like D,likes How long have you been in Sydney?Since last Wednesday .I ____two days befor you.Areach Barrived C got Dstayed.为什么不选C和D --how long have you been here in sydney?--____last wednesday.i___two days before you.A.since ,arrived B.since,went选A但是不知道怎么区分A和B,麻烦讲解, How long have you been like this?——Every day since ( )mouth. i saw a pocket on the ground ,and i picked up it改错题 Dongdong picked up the wallet --(lie)on the ground为什么不是过去分词做定语 要用lying 前面不是 picked 过去式么 On the Tuesday ,I saw a wallet on the ground哪里错了 He saw some litter on the ground and _______ A.picked it up B.picked them up he saw a penny on the ground.He picked it up and happily put it into his pocket.The penny was his,and it cost him nothing 最后这个为什么是nothing do you have winter holidays and summer holidays? some day 与 one day的区别?还有someday (⊙o⊙)哦 some day,a day和one day的区别 some day ,one day有什么区别? 根据句意完成单词,填空题:Here‘s a 什么 of our school.It's very niceHere‘s a 什么of our school.It's very nice现在,立刻,马上