
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 19:31:50
How did we get onto the subject of marriage?我们怎么谈到婚姻问题上了?请问这是一句反问句还是疑问句?反问句,为什么会谈到婚姻问题上,说话人不想谈到这个.疑问句,呵呵,是如何就不知不觉谈到婚姻 about international marriage_一些关于跨国婚姻的问题最近上课要做PRESENTATION,我的TOPIC是关于international marriage,也就是跨国婚姻的.主要是要分析跨国婚姻当中的这样一些问题:1.在哪些问题上最容易 同学结婚,不能参加,求一句能表达祝福又能表达不能参加的歉意的话或图片, what it's like to 在这是什么用法,是固定句式?get a job:this will help you see what it's like to have responsibiliy,it can also help you make a little money to spend on yourself it'been worth it中been的是什么用法?请帮忙分析一下这句话的语法 我叫杨颖,想起个英文名字~希望能和‘颖’发音相近些的~感觉优雅,可爱些,读起来顺口些的名字~还有要y开头的~(除了yoyo~感觉yoyo太活泼了,不适合我~) 杨颖的英文名字叫什么? 杨颖的Angelababy这个英文名,是自己起的,还是别人起的? mouse is mouth in cat's the there a连成句子啊 The cat is _介词____ the mouse. The cat is chase the mouse.(换种表达,句意不变) The cat is _____ ____ the mouse. l often ride a bike to work.(同义词转换)l often __________ In the evening we had dinner in a Frech restaurant,这是一个什么句,句式,词组,用法,拓展等非常急! 求解几个句子的可能含有的语法知识和词组的用法和拓展.1.Learning a foreign language has been a most trying experience for me,but one I wouldn't trade for anything.2.Not only did learning another language teach me the value of ha 在get married to sb,be married to sb中married是什么词性?​还有在get married to sb,be married to sb中married是什么词性?marry作为及物动词时怎么用?不及物动词呢?还有get married to sb,和be married to sb怎么用?听 She has been married to Robert for a year.这句中的married在这里作啥词性? at,the,cat,look,it,running,is(.)连词成句 The cat is running in the garden .用Where提问 关于越南、柬埔寨、泰国和老挝的个人旅游签证的问题今年暑假准备自助去东南亚的这几个国家,护照已经有了.行程这样安排:南宁-河内-岘港-芽庄-胡志明市-金边-暹粒-曼谷-清迈-琅勃拉邦- He usually goes to work by bike except when it rains.请翻译中文 翻译:目前我所需要做的就是好好学习 ___ ___ need to do now is to study hard.翻译:目前我所需要做的就是好好学习 ___ ___ need to do now is to study hard:就是因为王老师,我才喜欢上英语的,___ ___ because of Mr We just need to study hard 这句话的语法对吗 如何努力学会英语 感觉学不好 the cat is chasing the mice.(换种表达,句意不变) the cat is chasing a mouse now.改为同义 句 many a woman后接单数动词或复数?同上 “many a man” 这个看成复数还是单数、? Man and woman think and behave __________(不同地) in many ways. A policeman's job is ________ our city a safe place.(to make making) Police's work is ----(make)our city safe.空白处填making the police help to make our city a safe place __________do the police ____? 请问什么是 broad brush stroke 这是一个习惯用语吗,可否给几个例子啊.