
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 12:44:55
青海、云南、陕西、甘肃四省中纬度最高的是(),纬度最低的是(),四省中位于我国西南的省的是(),跨经度最多省的是(). Do remember to take this medicine three times a day with warm boiled water.A.heard it B.Make it C.Got it D.Taken it [-C4] -Do remember to take this medicine three times a day with warm boiled water.-________ .A.Heard it B.Got it C.Made it D.Taken it 翻译包括选项并分析 英语的一句从句It is like where I was growing up是什么从句 最近几年 德语怎么说 一首英文歌在酒吧经常放的?在酒吧也放过.一首英文歌.我只记得一点歌词.HONEY HONEY BOOM. borrow sb sth=borrow sth for sb 对吗 borrow sth from sb 这样改写可以吗?borrow sth from sb May I borrow a ruler from you?改成这个 May I borrow your ruler 就是改成 borrow your / his / her + sth2,如果是借你两把尺子,第二种写法怎么写?May I borrow your two rule 照样子,替换所给单词中的一个字母,改成新单词并组成词组.thing near right some find fur lake 分别组 换一个字母组成一个新的单词 把me中一个字母变掉,组成另一个单词. 这个英语句子对吗?关于从句This paper proposed an approach for solving the problem which intends to ...后面那个which从句,我是想修饰前面的approach的,但这样写会不会让人觉得是修饰problem的呢?这样写对吗? The docter___the sick man to drink more water.A.says B.wants C.looks D.thinks the doctor asks me ( )drink more water. in for to The doctor told me to have more water. 间接引语变直接引语:the doctor told her she had to drink more water learn to learn from 怎样写关于妈妈的笑的作文?常言道:“笑一笑,十年少.”和爸爸一起合作画一画妈妈的微笑,然后再向大家讲讲画像背后的故事. learn from sb的意思急啊! 提高口语哪种有声书籍好?最好是训练美式英语的书籍.网络资源也可以的,比如mp3等等. Let's play computer games.______________ But I don't have a computer.Well,do you have a soccer ball?________________Then let's play ________________.But soccer is difficult.OK.Let's watch TV.__________ Hmmm.Let's play volleyball.Do you have a volleyb let's play the computer games.这个句型对吗? 英语怎么翻译?你只是想找人聊天吗 常用英语口语,如服装店,问路的等лл 英语翻译Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold,did not choose their victims at random-they were acting out of ugly prejudices.Media coverage has focused on the killers' hostility toward racial minorities and athletes ,but there was another group the pair 湖北和贵州哪个省好我家是湖北黄冈的,希望以后在武汉定居,男友是贵州正安的,我要他跟我留在湖北,他则希望我跟他回贵州,你们说说,贵州和湖北到底哪里相对较好 learn的用法中有learn sb doing吗 广东与贵州接壤吗? 贵州省位于湖北省什么方向 我想取个好听的英文名 我叫杰忠 男 哪个友人帮我翻译一下呀 i want to assure you that i am not after what you do or your past life do you believe in an after life?