
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 16:03:36
Just Be your education has just 堇字加偏旁组词可以加什么? “未央”一词到底什么意思?我听说过“未央生”、“未央宫”、未央好像和道家长生有关系,我想听听“未央”一词的详细解释,请分析的条理清晰,不要乱粘贴. “未央”一词是什么意思啊!? 1.你们在动物园玩得开心吗?did you ——— ———in the zoo?2.昨天他帮妈妈打扫房间了.he ——— his mother ——— the room yesterday3.泰拉在上周的舞蹈比赛中获得了第一名.tara ——— ——— ——— You can catch the early plane if you get up early enough(同义句)Don't get up ___,____ you cannot catch the early plane 仿句:舞蹈出诗句里的离合悲欢,舞蹈出____________________,舞蹈出____________________. Your picture has come out这是什么时态啊、、初中有Have has 的句型结构 巴谢特什么意思 察雅英语apple的意思是什么 We have already visited the Disney Park.改为一般疑问句 How long have you been in hongkong?l have been here for a week.have you visited Disneyland? my grandmother ,watching tv (连词成句) ( )does the nature programmes begin? A What B When请告诉我,这是什么意思我觉得nature programmes(自然节目)应该问的是准确时间,When好像是问单位大的时间 Here We Are The map is on the wall_their classroom.A.of B.for C.to 老师说答案是B,可为什么A不行呢? 英语翻译3.我们之间有差异.我们的表现不同,我们的行为不同 a little bit 后面可以加名词吗权威一点哦 a little和a bit of后都接不可数名词,有什么区别吗? 韩非子是谁写的啊?把写这书的人的名字告诉我 《韩非子.外储说左上》是谁写的? 尼日利亚有哪些特色产品 1尼日利亚出口的重要商品是A可可 B 原油 C铜 D咖啡2东非热带草原的主要环境问题是A土地沙漠化加剧 B水污染严重 C热带雨林被毁 D人口增长过快3我国的科学考察船在南极考察,可靠人员在 Sorry,I really don't feel for you 1._____city Beijing is!A.What beautiful a B.How beautiful a C.What beautiful D.How beautiful 2.___English is used in the world!A.How widely B.What widely C.How wide D.What wide这两题的答案分别为? does orange match your characterises?同义句does orange ____ ____ ____your characterises? Do your characteristics match _____ your star sign says about youDo your characteristics match ______ your star sign says about you A tahtB /C whatD which what's the difference between "ups and downs"and "highs and lows"?At the beginning of the century,medical scientists make a surprising discovery:that we are built not just of flesh and blood but also of time.They were able to demonstrate the rise and 欧洲的主要语言是什么 europe的形容词 Please do not () late again