
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 13:48:17
Kate's never late,_______ ________ .She always comes on she;No,she isn't B.isn't she;No,she isn't she;Yes,she is D.hasn't she;Yes,she is ____ _____ comes to school on time todayAll the students come to school on time today.同义句转换 he was often late for school but he always comes to school on time now.(同义转换)he ___ to_____late for school 甲,乙两个数,如果甲数加上320就等于乙数了,如果乙数加上460就等到于甲数的3倍,两个数各是多少? 3.甲、乙两个数,如果甲数加上320就等于乙数了.如果乙数加上460就等于甲数的3倍,两个数各是多少? 单词“millions”应读/'miljəns/还是/'miljənz/?最好再说一下什么词复数末尾读/s/什么读/z/? 什么词发ɔ:djəns? 音标/jɔ:z/./bəut/./ˊa:nsə/./trein/./ka:d/./ə'gein/的单词怎么拼 甲数加320等于乙数,乙数加460等于甲数的3倍,问甲数是多少,乙数是多少? 英语单词holiday的音标是[ˈhɔlədi]为什么听一些人和电子词典读成[ˈhɔlədei] 填写英语单词s--l /ɔi/ [kɔk]的英语单词是什么?n-n 含有/ɔi/的英语单词有哪些?急, Mary goes to school early.She doesn't like be late判断对错 错在哪儿 does she goes to school early?哪儿错了 甲乙两个数,如果甲加上320就等于乙数,如果乙数加上460就等于甲数的3倍,两个数各是多少?请列出具体算式 She doesn't goes to school today.这句话哪处错了, she goes to school early的同义句 Yesterday she ___ (go) to school early. mary was sick yesterday ,but she is well enough to go to schooltoday.为什么用well enough而不用good enough Mark was ill yesterday,she he didn't go to school._____ _____Mark go to school yesterday. Kitty was very ill yesterday but now she is ______A in danger B in the danger C out of danger D out of the danger -1/4x²+4x+40=0 最好十分钟内! 0.4x+y=14怎么解 0.75×40-6/5x=14.4 /‘peərənt/ /'eəpɔ:t/ /pri'peə// 单用词怎么拼 一项工程,每个人的工作效率相同,那么参加的人数与需要的天数成什么比例?呵呵! /im'pɔ:tənt/单词 完成一项工程,如果每人工作效率相同,参加人数和需要天数成什么比例,为什么? 工作总量一定 人数和天数成( )比例 一项工程,每个人的工作效率相同,那么参加的人数与需要的天数.成什么比例?说明理由.理由格式:什么×什么=什么(一定) 移动长途电话多少钱一分钟