
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 22:29:37
which football match do you like better?The one between south korea and japan.为什么是the one 不是the ones it is very hard to find a friend with studying English for me.how to find a good friend I need your help Baby U will know our love so sweet是什么意思 1,Which sports event do you like to watch most?Why? 明天就是末日,你怎么看? 如果明天就是末日,今天是最后一天,你只能见一个人,说一句话,那么你要见的是谁?要说的是什么? 假如明天就是地球的末日,你会怎么过呢? ( )the way,can you tell me the way( )the shopping center 怎样计算省电可以减少二氧化碳排放?省一度电相当于省多少煤?减少多少二氧化碳的排放? Lily doesn’t look so happy as her sister Rose.No ,she’s _______ than Rose.A less happyB less unhappy C.less happier D.less unhappier Maria isn't as good at sports as her sister.She doesn't do better in sports中的better She swims as()as her sister.A.wellB.good 英语翻译他听时,就能把我说的中文翻译成英语.好象我看到有些电视节目,一些老外到我们中国来访问,好象每个人的耳朵上就塞了一个耳机.那是不是翻译的那? 我用耳塞听带翻译的英文听了一会后突然变成一边只有英文另一边只有中文翻译这是为什么呢? 英语翻译可以直接把对方发过来的英文直接翻译成中文吗 可以的话怎么设置 T:What color is it S:It's yellow .T:Thank you S:you are ___ He comes to school a little ___(early).横线上填early的什么形式,请细述,并写为什么. what he said is boring.中what起什么作用? I like to plant trees,so I like s_____best.根据句意完成单词 what he said is ——- (probable) true 咀嚼的意思咀嚼的意思 咀嚼出岁月的恬淡 的意思 英语好的朋友们帮一下!用tour start stop win become 1.How old were you when you()learning English?2.What can I do to () famous?3.He ()playing soccer because of his sore back4.The Chinese soccer team ()Asia last year5.John () firsh prize in t "事隔十多年,才忽然咀嚼出那意义有多美",美在哪里 英语翻译有时政府限价好,在日本出现核污染的时期,由于国内散步大量的遥远,使得很多人一次性购买了几年食用的食盐,而此时食盐的价格疯涨,由于食盐属于生活必须品,政府对其进行了限价 请问,图书公司、出版社、印刷厂,他们之间是什么关系?出一本书,大致的流程是什么? 我慢慢的咀嚼那段历史 中的咀嚼一般意义是什么?在这里的意思是什么 某印刷厂第三季度印刷了科技书籍50万册,而第四季度印刷了58万册,求季度的增长率是多少?一定要用一元一次方程! Describe a gift that you give to somebody,what was the gift?Who was it to?托福口语第一题 Do you want to give a talk on that subject 急求一篇英语作文,题目是:A gift that you would like sb. to give you 词数150左右希望简洁的,清晰的,不要废话,中心明确本人急用,各位帮帮忙!事成之后,追加悬赏!希望大家具体描写这个礼物,作文还 That is you want to give me happiness?汉字