
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 04:43:06
关于英语的一些语法知识? 急求英语的一些语法知识!请问什么是谓语,定语,表语,宾语,宾补,状语,同位语.最好详细一点,谢谢! 用频率副词造句.(肯定,否定,一般疑问……) 请大家用副词造句:5个!用英语造哦~ a,an后面有没有加不可数名词的情况[高级英语]如题 sweep ing形式用不用双写如题 tom,it is careless of you to have left your key in the lock hole of your car.------() so i did ,i might have my car stolenA thank you B i'm sorry C my god! D it doesn't matter There are so many doors opened for me,and so many things that I can do and t____. There are many things that intrest us为什么是用intrest而不是intresting 2 期末复习---任务型阅读与首字母填空专项练习(2) 1 There are many things that you should be There are many tiny things we cannot even see that are alive.that are alive做什么句子成分 #翻译#懂英语的朋友请帮忙看一下Thanks for your kindness,may have a new life.意译的话怎么译. your son so cute ,many thanks for him ,he save me from your life.ture,thanks for your son ,he is yo 当某名词不可数时,不能用a/an 那the行吗?当某名词不可数是时,不能用a/an 那the行吗?a/an只能放在可数名词前吗?不可数名词也能用some修饰吗?注:有多少个问号,就请回答多少个问题!some food some ad an ocean of修饰可数还是不可数名词? Precious things are very few-That must be why there's just one of you… Precious things are very few—— That must be why there's just one for you.是啥意思 There is a list of things that she must do to meet the requirements. she is very friendly and gets on well with her classmates中的gets为什么不能是getting而she likes eatting and cooking中的cooking又用了ing形式 she asked ( ) we were getting on well with our workshe asked ( IF ) we were getting on well with our workA.HOW B.IF为什么只能用IF ,而不用HOW呢.句子意思难道不是解释她问他们工作进行的怎么样,怎么样不用HOW吗. 不可数名词前面是不是不可以加a或an 下列关于HIV,幽门螺杆菌,人体肿瘤细胞的叙述,正确的是 (双选的)A.都含有DNAB.都具有增殖能力C.都属于原核生物D.都含有核糖体 music is a visible thing中music是不可数名词 为什么加a?如题 下列关于HIV,幽门螺旋杆菌,人体肿瘤细胞的叙述,正确的是A,都含有DNA,B都具有增值能力,C,都属于原核生物D,都含有核糖体 英语翻译how do you like it so far怎样翻译,这句中的like 做介词,还是喜欢.一个句子中出现like 怎样分辨是介词,还是喜欢 How do you like it?是“你喜欢它吗”的意思还是“你是怎么喜欢上它”的意思? 求这些产品得英文名称共享器光标阅卷机光端机光端机光盘库光盘销毁机反雷达测速防盗报警防毒及邮件过滤防辐射产品防静电地板防雷产品防水墙复用器覆膜机多媒体硬盘播放多屏显示多 Is that the fruit shop?(改复数形式) 英语单选题 —Is there a fruit shop ______ the neighborhood?—Is there a fruit shop ______ the neighborhood?—Yes,it's ______ Center Street ______ the right.A.on;down;at B.in;on;in C.in;down;on The fruit in this shop is fresher than the fruitin other shop.改为同义句 China, it ,time ,is,say, to,to,goodbye(?)连词成句 say,to,soon,China,her,coming,familyAlice,is连词成句